
Accessibility and translations help

We are committed to ensuring that our website and online services are available to as many people as possible. The information on this page offers advice and guidance on how you can improve your browsing experience regardless of access needs.

Customise your device

You can make changes to your device and operating system to improve your browsing experience:

Customise your browser

How to change the settings, such as font size, of commonly used web browsers:


You can use free translation tools to translate web pages into languages other than English for example Google Translate for websites.

Translate with your browser

You can translate web pages to a different language by using the Google Chrome web browser. Find out how to translate web pages in Chrome.

If you use the Microsoft Edge browser you can translate web pages to a different language by using Microsoft Translate.

British Sign Language

If you are a British Sign Language (BSL) user, you can contact us via contactSCOTLAND-BSL, the online British Sign Language interpreting service.