Business rates appeals

You must continue to pay your Business Rates while your appeal is being considered

You can make a business rates appeal if:

  • we are charging you business rates and you do not think that you are the person who should pay
  • you think you should get a discount and we are not giving you one, or we are not giving you the correct amount of discount

How to appeal

Appeals must be made within 28 days of the date of the rates bill which is being appealed.

To appeal please email our business rates team at and address your email to the Director of Business Services.

You or your representative must sign your appeal and it must contain:

  • your name, address and the date
  • the address of your property (if different)
  • the reference number shown on your business rates bill and the date of issue
  • your reasons for appealing and any evidence that supports your appeal

If a representative signs for you, they must also include their name and address. 

We will consider your appeal and if we require more information from you, we will contact you. We will let you know our decision as soon as we can. If you disagree with our decision, you may be able to appeal it to the council's internal Rating Appeal sub-committee.

Rateable value appeals

You may be able to appeal against the rateable value of your property as shown on your bill.

As of 1st April 2023 the appeal process has changed to a two-stage process whereby a proposal is submitted and then reviewed by the Assessor’s staff. If after that review an agreement is not reached, an appeal can be lodged with the First-Tier of the Tribunal for Scotland.

Time limits for making a proposal:

  • Revaluation - 31st August in the year of revaluation (that is 31st August 2023 for the 2023 revaluation)
  • New owners, tenants or occupiers - within 4 months of acquiring an interest in a property
  • New entries or altered entries - within 4 months of the issue of the notice advising the new or altered entry
  • Error - up to the last day before the next revaluation (31st March 2026 for the 2023 revaluation)
  • Material Change in Circumstances - 4 months after the roll ceases to be in force (31st July 2026 for the 2023 revaluation)

Please view how to make a non-domestic proposal on the Scottish Assessors website, for further information.


Grampian Assessor
Woodhill House
Westburn Road
AB16 5GE
Telephone: 01224 068400