
Supported Lodgings Scheme

View our supported lodgings scheme on our facebook page.

We run a Supported Lodgings scheme that's registered with the Care Inspectorate.

Supported lodgings is accommodation with support for young people aged between 16 and 21 years old, who have usually been in the care of the local authority. The accommodation is offered by individuals or families with a spare room, who work with our Throughcare and Aftercare team. All Supported lodgings offer a home environment with help and support which provides a stepping stone to living more independently. 

The Supported Lodgings scheme recruits and assesses people from the local community who can give a room in their home to a young person. When approved these people are known as Supported Lodgings Hosts. The hosts help young people gain the skills they need to prepare themselves for living independently.

Young people are matched to hosts. Careful planning is done to make sure the placement meets the needs of the young person and the supported lodgings host.

Our supported lodgings information for young people page offers advice for young people about supported lodgings and what it involves.

You can also find out about becoming a supported lodgings hosts