
Inverurie DAYS skills development and training

People who use Inverurie DAYS (Day Activities with Support) can take part in the day services' projects. These can help you develop and learn new skills, giving you greater independence.

Our projects include:

Pitscurry Project

The Pitscurry Project in Pitcaple provides craft and work activities for adults with learning disabilities. The gardens grow soft fruit and vegetables, supplying the Buzzard Café.

Activities include:

  • gardening
  • horticulture
  • wood kindling
  • wood work
  • arts
  • crafts
  • pottery

Buzzard Café

The Buzzard Café is a training project, giving people with learning disabilities the opportunity to work in the kitchen and serve meals to the public. It is on the Pitscurry project site.

Community Kitchen

The Community Kitchen involves people with learning disabilities in preparing and serving meals. It is based at Wyness Hall in Inverurie.