Choose how to pay business rates
You can pay your business rates by:
View direct debit and card payments privacy notice (PDF 136KB).
Direct Debit
Complete the Direct Debit form only if you have registered for business rates and have received a business rates bill for the property concerned. If you have not registered for business rates at the property you must notify us of your change of address in order that your account can be set up.
To set up a new or change a current Direct Debit you will need:
- Business rates account number (if known)
- bank name, branch and sort code
- bank account number and the name(s) on the account
Payments will be collected on 21st of each month.
If you change your business premises address you will have to complete new Direct Debit instruction.
Completing this form takes around 5 minutes.
Pay online
To pay your business rates online please ensure you have your business rates reference number to hand.
Pay over the phone
Payments of business rates can easily be made by debit or credit card using our Automated Telephone Payment Service. Your business rates reference number will be required to make a payment. Phone our automated telephone payment service on 0300 456 0634.
Internet banking
To pay using internet banking the Council's bank details are:
Branch - Clydesdale Bank Plc, Principal Branch, 1 Queens Cross, Aberdeen, AB15 4NU
Sort Code - 82-60-11
Bank Account Number - 70002097
Bank Account Name - Aberdeenshire Council
Please include your Business Rates reference number so that the payment is assigned to your account efficiently to avoid recovery action.
In person at a service point
Payment can be made by a debit and/or credit card at a service point.
In a lump sum
If you elect not to pay by regular monthly instalments, payment of business rates can be made in one lump sum on or before 30th June.