
Enterprising Aberdeenshire

Funded by UK Government logoHelping Aberdeenshire business start and grow through community connections

Enterprising Aberdeenshire is an outreach community project that supports enterprise activity by providing tailored advice and support with co-ordinators based in your area, throughout Aberdeenshire.

How we can help

Do you have a side hustle that could be more, a business idea to fill a gap in the market or a dream for the perfect job? That's where Enterprising Aberdeenshire comes in. We can help you with advice, connect you to other partners who might help you on your journey, support you with networking and training events, help you develop your offering, connect you to your community to give you the best start.

Talk to your local representative, based in your local area and understand the landscape you're running your business in and to see what help is available.

Enterprising Aberdeenshire Team with Woodhill House building in the background

The team

Keith Bell, Enterprise Team Leader

Nicola Briant, Enterprise Co-Ordinator Banff and Buchan

Mark Lenthall, Enterprise Co-Ordinator Marr

Rhona MacLennan, Enterprise Co-Ordinator Kincardine and Mearns

Kerri Dall, Enterprise Co-Ordinator Formartine

Gayle Walker, Enterprise Co-Ordinator Garioch

Adam Hardwick, Enterprise Co-Ordinator Buchan

Viktoriia Kuzienkova, Marketing and Events Officer

Enterprising Aberdeenshire is designed, developed and delivered by Aberdeenshire Council and is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.