
Grants awarded under the Coastal Communities Challenge Fund

Grants awarded under the Coastal Communities Challenge Fund programme since 2020.

Round 6 projects

CCCF100 Stonehaven Tolbooth Association SCIO – Paving of Tolbooth Inner Courtyard (Stonehaven)

CCCF award: £28,128.00
Improvements to the inner courtyard at the Tollbooth Museum in Stonehaven. Work includes clearing vegetation, new paving, pointing of boundary walls, wheelchair ramp and outdoor water and electrical supplies.

CCCF104 Portsoy District Community Association SCIO – Portsoy Sports Centre Going Green

CCCF award: £11,817.56
Installation of solar panels and a battery storage unit at Portsoy Sports Centre.

CCCF107 Stonehaven Recreation Grounds – SRG Stonehaven Fireboules (Petanque Pistes)

CCCF award: £10,498.50
The creation of a petanque facility at Stonehaven recreation grounds for use by members, the local community and visitors.CCCF109

Rosehearty Community Boat Club – RCBC 'Topper' Sail Training Project

CCCF award: £11,208.80
The purchase of two 'topper' sailing dinghies and associated equipment to be used for sailing courses for young people.

CCCF112 Stonehaven Town Partnership - Bringing the Wee Train Home to Stonehaven

CCCF award: £10,372.46
Re-introduction of the 'land train' tourist attraction to Stonehaven as a means of transporting visitors around the town. The costs relate to start-up recommissioning costs including mechanical works, transport, driver training and equipment.  

CCCF114 St Cyrus Church of Scotland - St Cyrus Community/Visitors Car Park

CCCF award: £50,000
The creation of a landscaped car park in the centre of St Cyrus village within a small field owned by the local parish church. The new car park will serve the church as well as the primary school, the community and visitors to St Cyrus nature reserve and beach.  

CCCF116 Mill of Benholm Enterprise – Mill of Benholm Car Park

CCCF award: £14,038.78
Improvements to the car park area at Mill of Benholm. This application focuses on active travel including a bike shed, e-bikes for hire and interpretation/signage.  

CCCF118 Banff, Macduff and District Men's Shed - Men's Shed Energy Saving

CCCF award: £14,853.78
Energy efficiency measures at the Men's Shed community facility in Macduff involving installation of insulation and led light fittings.  

CCCF120 Inverallochy Golf Club – Solar PV System 2024

CCCF award: £15,000
Installation of a solar PV and battery system to reduce energy costs and provide a small income to support the club's activities.  

CCCF121 Pennan Hall Committee - Pennan Village Hall Improvement Project

CCCF award: £12,466.56
Improvements to Pennan Village Hall including upgrades to the heating system, installation of AV equipment, blinds for windows, and seating covers.

CCCF124 Summerhouse Drinks Ltd – Fruit Juicing and Packaging Machinery

CCCF award: £35,000
Purchase of second-hand equipment to add value and efficiency to a small business fruit drinks production line which will allow full production of the product to be undertaken on site near Fraserburgh.

CCCF126 Friends of Macduff Marine Aquarium – Better Learning for a Brighter Future

CCCF award: £24,500
To equip and enhance the learning room with specific instruments to enrich the learning experiences offered to visitors to the aquarium.

CCCF129 Banff Castle Community Association – Banff Castle External Fabric Repairs

CCCF award: £50,000
Repair works to the exterior of Banff Castle, a community facility and arts venue in the town centre of Banff.  

CCCF130 Port Erroll Harbour Cruden Bay Trust Ltd – Port Erroll Harbour Cruden Bay Enhancing the Leisure and Recreational Area

CCCF award: £15,305
Enhancements to the public space around Port Erroll Harbour including re-grading the grass area, installation of picnic tables and benches, erection of new signage and interpretation lecterns, and the installation of a webcam.

Round 5 projects

CCCF062 Picosdeli Ltd – Picos Deli

CCCF award: £19,796.70
The application concerns the establishment of a new deli and takeaway food/drink shop on Allardice St, Stonehaven. The deli will be marketed at tourist visitors, particularly to cyclists and visitors to the nearby beach and seafront. Project costs involve the capital set-up costs of the deli, including equipment and furniture as well as some minor trades work.

CCCF070 Portsoy 75 Club – Portsoy Community Lighthouse

CCCF award: £38,000
The project involves the creation of a new public garden and paved terrace seating area, overlooking the harbour in Portsoy. The centrepiece shall be a 2.5m ceramic model lighthouse which was purchased at a fundraising auction from CLAN Cancer Support. The area has been architect-designed and work includes landscaping, paving, benches, signage and wildflower seeding.

CCCF073 2 Way Leisure Ltd – Loopty Lou’s Kids Soft Play and Activity Centre

CCCF award: £23,729.28
The project involves the creation of a new outdoor children’s play and activity space at the existing (indoor) soft play centre ‘Loopty Lou’s’ in Boddam. The new area will be paid entry but will diversify the current business and increase visitors in the summer months.

CCCF078 Fraserburgh Cricket Club – Fraserburgh Cricket Club Artificial Cricket Wicket

CCCF award: £8,880.00
The project is for the purchase and installation of an Artificial Cricket Wicket at the Cricket Pitch on Kessock Road in Fraserburgh.

CCCF079 Rosehearty Community Council – Rosehearty Heritage Trail

CCCF award: £10,258.20
Creating and promoting a self-guided walking tour through the village and surrounding area, via 7 locations representing historical structures and other points of interest/vistas.

The project includes:

  • 7 interpretation boards, one at each site, with historic and local information with a new design/brand commissioned by the group
  • 2 recycled plastic benches - one to be sited on the hill (the War Memorial) overlooking the village, sea and coast and the second at the start/end point of the walk (Rosehearty Caravan Site)
  • the renovation of an existing concrete shelter in the village, on the walking route (that is seats sanded and painted, walls and ceiling painted, roof fixed) with maps promoting the heritage trail on each side

CCCF081 Fraserburgh South Links Sports Development Trust – Fraserburgh South Links Pavilion

CCCF award: £22,636.00
The project involves the overcladding of walls of 100-year-old wooden Sports Pavilion close to Fraserburgh Beach. This is the second phase of the ongoing project to upgrade the pavilion. The project will secure structural integrity of building and increase insulative properties and potential for renewable heat sources.

CCCF082 Aberdeenshire Sailing Trust – Windsurfing and Stand Up Paddleboarding, Peterhead

CCCF award: £10,121.58
The project involves the purchase of a range of windsurf and paddleboarding equipment in order to broaden the range of training activities on offer by Aberdeenshire Sailing Trust at Peterhead Marina

CCCF4085 EGCP Ltd – Turning the Plastic Tide

CCCF award: £26,641.42
The application concerns the costs of delivering EGCP’s ‘Turning the Plastic Tide’ programme for a full year. This initiative was founded through NESFLAG funding in 2018/19 and continues to lead a campaign to reduce beach litter on Aberdeenshire’s coastline from Fraserburgh to St Cyrus. The project costs involve the employment of two part-time officers plus some minor equipment costs.

CCCF086 Stonehaven and District Men’s Shed – Stonehaven and District Men’s Shed Alternative Energy

CCCF award: £13,138.80
The application is a relatively major investment in renewable energy systems at Stonehaven Men’s Shed. A 14.8kW Solar PV array (plus 15.6 kWh battery storage) will be installed to reduce electricity costs, whilst 8 air source heat units with a total capacity of 45.4kW will replace the current electric heaters. The application to CCCF is for 20% match funding to a CARES (Community and Renewable Energy Scheme) application for 80% of project costs.

CCCF087 Amity Fish Company, Peterhead – Seafood Deli, Seagate, Peterhead

CCCF award: £33,487.49
The project involves the conversion of part of a former warehouse on Peterhead’s harbour front into a seafood retail deli. The applicant is undergoing a larger project to convert the unit into seafood processing and office space. This application specifically relates to the customer facing element of the project, including fitting out of the retail space as well as: freezing, storage, packaging and labelling equipment.

CCCF090 Port Erroll Harbour Cruden Bay Trust Ltd – Toilet and Water Facilities for Fishermen, Motorhomes and Tourists

CCCF award: £16,197.84
The application concerns a refurbishment of the public toilet facilities at Port Erroll Harbour. This includes:

  • Replacement of sanitary fittings
  • Internal and external decoration
  • Upgrades to plumbing and electrics

The project will also improve access to water for harbour users and motorhome visitors.

CCCF095 The Windsurf Club – Training and Volunteer Development Phase 2

CCCF award: £10,629.90
The project involves the second phase of the volunteer training development plan which was first funded by CCCF in 2022. The second phase continues the delivery of the applicant’s training matrix and will include participation in accredited watersports, safety and welfare courses.

CCCF098 Scottish Wildlife Trust – Longhaven Cliffs Coastal Path Improvements – Phase 2

CCCF award: £50,000.00
The project the second phase of upgrades to the coastal path at Longhaven Reserve (near Boddam) Following the successful delivery of the replacement of a flight of steps, funded by CCCF in 2022/2023. This project will upgrade two further sections of the footpath including timber and stone steps, improving accessibility across the nature reserve.

Round 4 projects

CCCF045 Murray McBay and Co – The Lobster Shop Increased Demand

CCCF award: £21,738.96
Enhancements to ‘The Lobster Shop’ in Johnshaven, originally established with support of a NESFLAG grant in 2019. The project will involve upgrades to the processing room, kitchen and outdoor seating area.

CCCF049 Stonehaven Sea Cadets – Replacing Safety Boat (Rib)

CCCF award: £21,051.35
The project involves the purchase of a RIB safety boat for use at Stonehaven Harbour by Stonehaven Sea Cadets. The existing boat is no longer fit for purpose and the new 4.7m RIB will allow the group to continue their activities safely. The only cost within the application is the boat itself, which is to be purchased from a national supplier and includes various equipment and fittings.

CCCF050 Udny Arms Hotel Ltd – New open Space and Flexible-Space Pods, Udny Arms Hotel

CCCF award: £25,000
Creation of two ‘pod’ buildings facing a public open space and adjacent to the Udny Arms Hotel in Newburgh. The units would be owned by the hotel and would be offered for rent to local businesses.

CCCF057 Stonehaven and District Angling Association – Dam Dykes Weir Improvement

CCCF award: £25,000
Infrastructure improvements to the River Cowie in Stonehaven which will involve the removal of derelict weirs which currently impede the migration of fish. The project has been developed following an options appraisal and the present application concerns the capital phase.

CCCF060 Fraserburgh South Links Sports Development Trust – Sustainability Enhancements

CCCF award: £19,058.82
The project involves a number of improvements to the pavilion and sports facilities at Fraserburgh South Links. Most of the projects concern the improvement of energy efficiency and involve the delivery of measures identified in a report prepared by Zero Waste Scotland.

CCCF067 Stonehaven Sea Cadets – Purchase of Six New Sailing Dinghies

CCCF award: £15,667.34
The application involves the purchase of six small dinghies for use by Stonehaven Sea Cadets at Stonehaven Harbour. These will be in additional to the current fleet of training vessels and will allow additional water time for cadets as part of the range of activities on offer by the organisation.

CCCF069 Sandhaven and Pitullie Harbour Trust – Installation of Toilets at Sandhaven Harbour

CCCF award: £19,093.68
This application has been submitted by the voluntary harbour trust at the small harbour of Sandhaven. The proposal involves the creation of a new public toilet block at the harbour, providing facilities for both harbour users and the wider public.

CCCF071 EGCP Ltd – Turning the Plastic Tide – Take 4 for the Shore

CCCF award: £4,502.92
The application has been submitted by East Grampian Coastal Partnership, and follows on from the highly successful ‘Turning the Plastic Tide’ beach litter project funded by NESFLAG. The proposal involves installation of 10 boxes which contain ‘beach clean kits’, allowing beach visitors to safely remove litter in their own time. The concept has been successful trialled in selected locations and this application will roll out the programme across Aberdeenshire.

CCCF072 Scottish Wildlife Trust – Longhaven Cliffs Coastal Path Access Improvements

CCCF award: £25,000
The application concerns an upgrade to a set of steps on the coastal path at Longhaven Cliffs Wildlife Reserve, north of Cruden Bay. The applicant is The Scottish Wildlife Trust, a charity which owns the reserve and manages it for bird habitat and public access.

CCCF074 Kincardineshire Development Partnership – KDP Coastal Community Transport Scheme Feasibility Study

CCCF award: £6,480
The application concerns a feasibility study into coastal transport in Kincardineshire, specifically the strip between Catterline and St Cyrus. The study will investigate the current transport modes available in the area and identify methods for enhancing and improving the offer through a community-led scheme. There will be a particular focus on low-carbon travel such as car clubs, e-bikes and electric/hybrid public transport.

CCCF077 The Windsurf Club – Training and Volunteer Development

CCCF award: £5,094
The project involves delivery of a number of training courses to increase the numbers of qualified coaches and instructors available to The Windsurf Club. The applicant is a community water sports club based in Peterhead, but operating across Aberdeenshire. The courses will be delivered by external training providers and will cover windsurfing, water safety, powerboat operation, first aid and others. Between 10 and 15 volunteers will be upskilled.

Round 3 projects

CCCF030 Apex Church – Apex Centre Community Space Enlargement

CCCF award: £21,228.60
The grant will go towards the refurbishment and new access to the community facilities within the community building in Broad Street, Peterhead. The project will provide a new staircase and rear entrance to the building, opening up new space for community activities. The new facilities will be made available to hire by a variety of users such as baby groups and yoga classes, and the staircase will open up use of the garden area at the rear of the building.

CCCF042 Belhelvie Community Council – Balmedie Sorts Facilities Landscaping

CCCF award:£5,809.18
Installation of 8 recycled plastic public benches in the village of Balmedie.

CCCF047 Dekmar Ltd – Beach Clean-Up/Ocean Litter Recycling

CCCF award: £10,214.28
Purchase of equipment for processing of old nets, roles and other fishing gear to create new recycled plastic products.

CCCF048 Invercairn Community Council – Cairnbulg to Fraserburgh Cycle Path

CCCF award: £8,235
Design and engineering work for a new active travel bridge over the Water of Philorth, forming an essential element of the proposed active travel link between Fraserburgh and Cairnbulg.

CCCF054 Aberdeen and Stonehaven Yacht Club - ASYC Accessible Toilet and Shower

CCCF award: £13,691
Improvements to the facilities at the clubhouse of Aberdeen and Stonehaven Yacht Club, located at Stonehaven Harbour. The main purpose of the project is to install accessible toilet and shower facilities on the ground floor.

CCCF055 The Windsurf Club – The Windsurf Club Storage and Transportation

CCCF award: £9,720
The application is from a community windsurfing group based in Newburgh but conducting much of its activity in Peterhead. The proposal involves the purchase of a new trailer to allow transport of equipment and increase the group’s activities across Aberdeenshire.

CCCF063 North East Scotland Preservation Trust – The Development of the Mill of Benholm Project

CCCF award: £19,980
The Mill of Benholm is a historic Category A Listed mill on the Kincardineshire coast, owned by Aberdeenshire Council and currently disused. The project will employ a consultant to develop the plan for refurbishing the buildings, identify and secure funding for the first stage of renovation and develop the business model for future operation. These development works will move the project towards an asset transfer between Aberdeenshire Council to NESPT, and subsequent lease to Mill of Benholm Enterprise, a community organisation.

CCCF066 Buchanhaven Harbour SCIO – Storm Arwen Pier/Slipway Repairs

CCCF award:£19,017
The proposal involves addressing and repairing recent storm damage to the small pier and slipway in the village of Buchanhaven in Peterhead.

Round 2 projects

CCCF026 East Grampian Coastal Partnership – Education and Outreach Development Project

CCCF award: £4,616
EGCP Ltd is a local Coastal Partnership that aims to support coastal communities within the area between Fraserburgh and St Cyrus. The funding will be used to support and deploy educational and outreach resources and equipment for EGCP for use in schools, community groups and volunteers. Equipment purchased will include event materials such as pop-up banners and A-frame signs, plus binoculars and telescopes for wildlife watching.

CCCF027 Banff Sailing Club – Banff Sailing Reborn Post Covid, the Heart of Historic Banff Harbour

CCCF award: £16,312
Banff Sailing Club manages and maintains a small clubhouse on the harbour quayside and organises activities, events, talks and regattas on a regular basis. The project addresses two of the club’s main ambitions: regeneration and expansion of the clubhouse; and broadening the club activities to include other water sports. Improvements to the clubhouse will include new doors and an improved heating system, whilst new sails, an engine and a VHF radio will be purchased to enhance the club’s sailing activities.

CCCF031 NatureScot – St Cyrus NNR, Beach Wheelchairs

CCCF award: £6,400
The grant will pay for the purchase of two all-terrain beach wheelchairs, one for adult-sized users and the other for smaller adults and children. The wheelchairs will be based at St Cyrus National Nature Reserve and will allow access to areas of the beach previously impossible to reach by wheelchair users. Visitors with mobility issues will have the chance to join in activities and guided walks and explore other areas of the reserve such as the cliffs, bird hide and forest school.

CCCF033 Sandend Amenities Council – Sandend Hall and Field Recreational Equipment

CCCF award: £2,891
Sandend Amenities Council have been awarded a grant to upgrade facilities at the local playing field, and purchase games equipment for the village hall. New full-size goalposts and a basketball stand will be installed, and line-marking equipment will be purchased. Family games equipment will be bought for the village hall and will be used for social events and activity nights.

CCCF035 Aberdeen and Stonehaven Yacht Club – ASYC Clubhouse Enhancement

CCCF award: £9,687
Aberdeen and Stonehaven Yacht Club have been awarded £9,687 to upgrade the clubhouse at Stonehaven Harbour. Improvements include new doors and windows, as well as new radiators throughout the building. The enhancements will enable the clubhouse to be used throughout the winter months as a base for the club’s activities and a community and social venue.

CCCF039 Down on the Farm – Cow and Coast Tours

CCCF award: £4,680
Down on the Farm is a farm-based tourism business which offers unique glamping accommodation and countryside tours on a farm near Rosehearty. The CCCF grant of £4,680 will be used to purchase a new quad bike to conduct trailer tours of the farm and the adjacent coastline and cliff tops.

CCCF040 Balmedie Leisure Centre Association – Balmedie Sports Facilities

CCCF award: £3,457
A grant has been awarded to Balmedie Leisure Centre Association to invest in facilities at the playing fields pavilion in Balmedie Country Park. A new CCTV system will be fitted to deter vandalism, and a defibrillator will be installed.

Round 1 projects

CCCF001 Gourmets Choice Ltd – Factory Development: Gourmets Choice Ltd, Portsoy

CCCF award: £19,155
The project concerns the purchase of two pieces of equipment (a baker’s oven and a chill blaster) which will be installed at the applicant’s processing premises at Portsoy Harbour. The new equipment will allow further expansion of new product lines for the business, including secondary processing of white fish, salmon and mackerel.

CCCF002 Aberdeenshire Sailing Trust – Sailing for All

CCCF award: £10,552
The project involves the purchase of four new topper dinghies for Aberdeenshire Sailing Trust to use from their base at Peterhead Lido. The boats will replace existing boats which have reached the end of their working lives, and will allow the Trust to continue its sailing lessons, activity programmes and holiday projects with children from across Aberdeenshire.

CCCF004 Aberdeenshire Council Macduff Marine Aquarium – Macduff Marine Aquarium Interpretation Project

CCCF award: £35,882.48
The project involves a full overhaul of the interpretation throughout the aquarium, based on recommendations from a recent consultation. Clear habitat zones will help visitors to understand what they’re seeing as they progress through the centre. The project will remove muddled and elderly displays, lending a clean, bright, and attractive new look through the aquarium with clear information conforming to up-to-date accessibility guidance. It will also see new themes and displays on current critical issues such as marine litter, and projected visuals for an immersive experience alongside the tanks.

CCCF007 Collieston and Slains Community Council – Collieston Coastal Partnership: In-The-Swim

CCCF award: £15,857.49
The project involves two areas of development:

  1. To support the Collieston community’s aims of creating a suitable environment for visitors and tourists.
  2. Make sure local residents have access to amenities to improve wellbeing, and develop a collaborative community vision for future developments.

This involves improving the safety and amenity of the pier and beach through:

  • safety information
  • safety equipment
  • harbour steps improvements
  • installing signage and outdoor fitness equipment for all abilities

CCCF008 Museum of Scottish Lighthouses – The Lighthouse Training Restaurant and Cafe

CCCF award: £17,982.45
The project involves the development of the existing café at the Museum of Scottish Lighthouses in Fraserburgh to offer a unique evening dining experience. Catering equipment and restaurant furniture will be purchased, staff will receive training and a new menu will be created focusing on local seafood at a reasonable price. The facility will be used to mentor and train young people, offering experience and qualifications to younger people who are at risk of not having a positive destination.

CCCF013 Aberdeenshire Council Harbours Service – Banffshire Harbours Ladders and Access

CCCF award: £19,530
The application consists of improvements to two of Aberdeenshire Council’s harbours in Banffshire- Portsoy and Macduff. 11 new galvanised steel ladders will be installed in the outer ‘New Harbour’ at Portsoy, significantly improving access to vessels for both fishermen and other harbour users. Meanwhile, initial designs will be developed for innovative height-adjustable access towers for Macduff Slipway. Once completed these plans will be issued to a fabricator and (assuming capital funding can be found) access to boats for servicing and maintenance will be vastly improved.

CCCF013 Fraserburgh Harbour Commissioners – Basket Plough Dredge for Removal of Waste and Debris from Harbour

CCCF award: £17,250
Fraserburgh Harbour Commissioners will fabricate a “Basket plough dredge” which will be attached to the existing harbour pilot boat “Ailsa” and help maintain and clean the harbour seabed. The attachment will be lowered into the water and be pulled along the seabed, picking up any large pieces of rubbish that could get entangled with a vessel propeller. The Pilot boat will cover the area of seabed by going back and forth systematically and the new attachment will be used alongside the harbour’s underwater drone which can observe and identify the location of any large pieces of debris.

CCCF017 Aberdeen and Stonehaven Yacht Club – Safety/Coaching Boat Enhancement

CCCF award: £10,640
The applicant is a community sailing club which operates most of the year from Stonehaven. The project involves necessary upgrades to the club’s RIB safety boats by the purchase of new outboard motors, ensuring that sailing activities can continue in the long term.

CCCF022 Rediscover Peterhead Ltd – Marketing Peterhead Town Centre

CCCF award: £4,245.75
The applicant is a not-for-profit company which co-ordinates Peterhead’s Business Improvement District and aims to revitalise Peterhead’s town centre. The project forms part of the applicant’s ambitious business plan and involves the establishment of a permanent monthly producer market in the town centre which will have a particular focus on seafood.