
Buchan area community council elections

Community Councils of Aberdeenshire logoView details of community council elections in the Buchan area:

Current elections

Name of community council Number of vacancies Nominations closing date Extra provisions
(see guidance note


Nomination forms can be found on this page including guidance on completing the form:

Send completed forms to the Buchan area office.

View the community council elections privacy notice (PDF 108KB) to find out what we do with your information.


Please see table below for dates and venues of ballots. Ballots will only take place where nominations exceed the number of vacancies. Personal statements will be uploaded if a ballot is required.

Name of community council Ballot date Ballot venue


View successful candidates and details of the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Boddam Community Council

2023 election: Darren James, David Macdonald, Jim Paul, Richard Sanders and Pamela Terry.

AGM date and venue: 7th June 2023 at 7pm in Boddam Library. 

Buchan East Community Council

2023 election: no nominations were received. The Community Council has enough members to continue to serve the community, but if anyone is interested in joining the Community Council, please contact

AGM date and venue: 7th June 2023 at 7pm in Crimond Primary School.

Cruden Community Council

2023 election: Anne Johnson, Rosemary Pittendrigh and Brian Artingstoll.

AGM date and venue: 20th June 2023 at 7pm in Old Congregational Church, Cruden Bay.

Deer Community Council

2023 election: no nominations were received. The Community Council has enough members to continue to serve the community, but if anyone is interested in joining the Community Council, please contact

AGM date and venue: 29th June 2023 at 7:30pm in Kemp Hall, Old Deer. 

Longside and District Community Council

2023 election: no nominations were received. The Community Council has enough members to continue to serve the community, but if anyone is interested in joining the Community Council, please contact

AGM date and venue: 14th June 2023 at 7pm in Longside Parish Church Hall

Mintlaw and District Community Council

2023 election: Sharon Noble.

AGM date and venue: 15th June 2023 at 7pm in Mintlaw Academy. 

New Pitsligo Community Council

2023 election: Lynne Dick, Julie Ann Whyte, Carol Martin, Christine Reid, Ron Gunn and James Lawrence.

AGM date and venue: 20th June 2023 at 7pm in New Pitsligo library.

Peterhead Community Council

2023 election: Allan Sneddon, Karena Wetherall, Richard Wetherall

AGM date and venue: 26th June 2023 at 7pm in Peterhead Academy conference room.

Strichen and District Community Council

2023 election: Janet Morrison, Michelle Paterson, George Morgan, Hilary Winter, Stewart Whyte

AGM date and venue: 26th June 2023 at 7pm in Strichen Town House.