Community Food Fund
The Community Food Fund was launched to support local community groups that stepped up to provide essential food responses suited to their places. Scottish Government funding was committed to providing small grants to local organisations.
The fund is closed to new applications.
View the Community Food Fund privacy notice (PDF 80KB).
Almost 80 organisations have been supported from every corner of Aberdeenshire. Grants went to projects such as:
- Community gardens and allotments
- Parent councils
- Resilience groups and community larders, with support for costs such as:
- food hygiene certification
- gardening equipment
- refrigerated storage
Resources for seeking funding
Up-to-date information on funding streams can be found on the Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership website.
Support with finding funding can also be sought from Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action.
If you have any questions about a current Community Food Fund grant, please contact the relevant local area manager's office.