
Report anti-social behaviour

Report anti-social behaviour to Police Scotland on their non-emergency number, 101.

The council doesn't currently have a dedicated telephone helpline to report anti-social behaviour. 

If you are a council tenant experiencing problems with anti-social behaviour within or near your home, contact Housing.

If you are a tenant of Registered Social Landlord you should report problems to your housing provider.

If you are a home-owner, or tenant of a private landlord, you can make a complaint about noise to our Environmental Health team.

If you live in a privately owned property, and need support with other forms of anti-social behaviour, you can contact our Community Safety Team at

Neighbour Noise

Noise from neighbours is a common source of disturbance. The most frequent complaints are about loud music or TV, shouting, banging doors and DIY activities. Remember that no house or flat is totally soundproof, and gardens and garages can be particularly noisy. More information about Neighbour Noise can be found in our environmental health pages.

If your complaint is about a dog barking, you can contact the Animal Health and Welfare team.

The Noise App

Report noise nuisance to us via the Noise app. The app enables anyone within Aberdeenshire to record evidence of noise onto their smartphones and submitting it to the council.

Fly-tipping and litter

Find out how to report fly-tipping can be found on our fly-tipping page.


Information on crimes can also be provided anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111 or by contacting Crimestoppers online.


More information about graffiti and how to report it can be found on our graffiti page.