
Councillor visits to planning sites

The purpose of a visit to a planning site by councillors is to allow them to familiarise themselves with the land in question, its location and surroundings, and any particular physical or geographical features. Anyone accompanying the councillors can point out particular features or aspects referred to in their representation, but the councillors will not discuss the merits of the application during their visit. These discussions are for the relevant committee meeting.

Banff and Buchan 

There are no scheduled site visits at this time. 

For further information or clarification please call 01467 537619.


There are no scheduled site visits at this time. 

For further information or clarification please call 01467 530917


There are no scheduled site visits at this time. 

For further information or clarification please call 01467 538196 or email


There are no scheduled site visits at this time.

For further information or clarification please call 01467 539129 or email

Kincardine and Mearns

There are no scheduled site visits at this time. 

For further information or clarification please call 01975 520400.


There are no scheduled site visits at this time. 

For further information or clarification please call 01975 520400.