About equalities
Aberdeenshire Council recognises the following equality characteristics which are protected under The Equality Act 2010 - race (includes Gypsy Travellers), sexual orientation, sex, disability, gender reassignment, age, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, and marriage and civil partnership.
If Aberdeenshire Council is a stick of rock, equalities must run through the length of the rock. In other words equalities are a key component of our work and not an afterthought. We are building an equalities perspective into every part of our work here at Aberdeenshire Council.
Aberdeenshire Equality Outcomes 2021-2025
Aberdeenshire Council has used extensive research and community engagement to identify equality outcomes. The six outcomes have been developed based on the Council Plan, Directorate Plans, the Community Impact Assessment and national and local evidence and feedback from engagement activities including surveys and community conversations.
Reporting equalities progress
In order to meet our legal obligations under the 2010 Equality Act, every two years we must report on progress in making equalities integral to our activities.
In addition to our mainstreaming report, we set equalities outcomes every four years. These are developed with input from our local communities and staff and also help ensure that equalities are always an important consideration in everything we do.
2023 report
Following approval by Aberdeenshire Education and Children's Service Committee and the Aberdeenshire Licensing Board, view the Equality Mainstreaming and Outcomes 2021-2025 progress report (PDF 2.92MB).
Previous reports
View previous equalities mainstreaming and outcomes reports.
Gaelic language plan
The Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 was passed by the Scottish Parliament with the aim of securing the status of the Gaelic language as an official language of Scotland, in equal status to the English language.
The key aims of the act are to establish a statutory Gaelic body which is called The Bòrd na Gàidhlig. The Bòrd encourages the use and understanding of Gaelic and has developed a National Gaelic Language Plan. The plan promotes strategies for increasing the number of Gaelic speakers in Scotland, as well as facilitating access to Gaelic language and culture.
Under the act certain Scottish public authorities are required to prepare and publish Gaelic language plans.
Our Gaelic language plan sets out how we will use Gaelic within Aberdeenshire.
View our Gaelic language plan in English and in Gaelic:
- Gaelic language plan 2023 to 2028 - English version (PDF 446B)
- Gaelic language plan 2023 to 2028 - Gaelic version (PDF 491KB)
You can also view Gaelic language services that we offer.
Disability Access Panels
Access Panels are groups of volunteers who work to improve access and inclusion for disabled people in their local community, and offer advice on how improvements can be made. They do this by raising awareness and helping to change attitudes among the general public about the need for inclusive access. They also work with local authorities and public bodies on access matters and independent living. Find out more about Access Panels.
If you have any queries or are interested in becoming a Panel member, contact your local Access Panel.
Alternative language or format
If you require any information in an alternative language or format (such as: hard copy, large print) or as a Word document for use with spoken text software, please contact the equalities team.
BSL users can contact us via contactSCOTLAND-BSL, the online British Sign Language interpreting service.
You can also find out more about our accessibility policy.
The Policy and Performance team makes sure that council services are inclusive and meet the needs of our diverse communities. For more information please contact:
Policy and Performance Team
Aberdeenshire Council
Business Services
Customer and Digital Services
Woodhill House
Westburn Road
AB16 5GB