
2020/21 budget challenge

As part of our budget planning for 2020/21 we launched a budget simulator, an online tool which helped the people of Aberdeenshire have their say in setting our budget. The simulator was open for completions until 20th October 2019, and any Aberdeenshire resident could take part and attempt to set a balanced budget.

Budget challenge

The simulator showed what the council expects to get in terms of funding and a range of services that we need to deliver with that money. You could use the tool to allocate money to services and set/balance your own budget.

The results of what you told us are attached in the below document, and shows that different age brackets and different geographical areas within Aberdeenshire had different priorities which they wanted to protect.

View the results (PDF 1.2MB).

Next steps

Councillors discussed the results of the budget engagement when Full Council met on 21st November 2019. The results were part of their decision-making process and influenced setting the budget for 2020/21.