Flooding in Aberdeenshire
As much as anywhere else, flooding affects the North East of Scotland.
View a British Sign Language translation of this information.
Why flooding happens and how we can help
SEPA has prepared the following short animation which provides both information on why flooding occurs and also an overview to Scotland's approach to flood risk management, including how public bodies are working together to reduce flood risk in the future. View SEPA Flooding Animation.
Anyone can be affected, whether through:
- disruption to travel when rivers burst their banks
- direct flooding from localised flood water
- coastal flooding
- or even flooding caused by overflowing drains
Roles and Responsibilities
Flooding can have a devastating effect on people, property, businesses and land. The leaflet below provides guidance on the roles and responsibilities of the different organisations involved in managing and responding to flooding in Aberdeenshire. It also provides advice on what property owners should do to reduce their own flood risk and who to contact for help or advice.
View flooding roles and responsibilities (PDF 132KB).
For general queries about flooding in Aberdeenshire email flooding@aberdeenshire.gov.uk.