
Reporting Your Archaeology Finds

What do you have sitting on your mantelpiece in your house, up in the attic or down in the garden shed? Archaeology is not confined to the big monuments that cover the North East of Scotland.

We would be very interested in hearing from you about any finds that you may have at home, or have found while out and about. They can be anything from worked flints to coins to carved stone balls.

Please contact us to report your archaeological find(s) by emailing, including as much of the following information as possible in your email:

  • Please indicate if you are the finder
  • Your name (including first and last name)
  • Your address (including town, postcode and county and/or region)
  • Your phone number
  • How you found the object(s): such as by metal-detecting, field walking, chance, house clearance or by any other specified means
  • Description of the object(s) found: such as a harness pendant, axehead, brooch. If you aren’t sure, please describe the object and its material - for example: metal, stone, pottery, size and shape of the object(s)
  • Date when you found the object(s)
  • Description of the findspot location: please indicate if near any existing building or ruin, if in a field is it ploughed, or if the find came out of a mole hill or rabbit burrow for example
  • Findspot Grid Reference: if possible, please provide a Grid Reference of 2 letters followed by 8 digits, or Coordinates of a 6 digit Easting and Northing. This can be from a GPS based device, paper map, or digital mapping - for additional information please view help with obtaining a grid reference, and a grid reference finder
  • Nearest town or village to the findspot and the Local Authority Area
  • Images of the findspot and/or object(s)

Please see our Privacy Notices for details on how we use information you send us under the General Data Protection Regulations.