
Rhynie Old Kirkyard

Rhynie ManThe larger stone, which is a re-used cup-marked slab, has:

  • incised beast's head (in its otter or seal form)
  • double disc and Z-rod
  • mirror and comb symbols

The rectangular stone bears:

  • a double disc and Z-rod
  • a crescent and V-rod
  • a mirror, all incised

The smallest stone was found in 1978 and bears:

  • a beast
  • a distinctive comb
  • part of a curvilinear symbol

An exceptional number of Pictish stones have been found in the Rhynie area.

The eight recorded stones show some similarities in carving technique, such as in the simple form of the comb seen here on the larger stone.

At the W end of the village square are 2 other Pictish stones very badly weathered, the one showing a man, the other a double disc.
Pict Symbols


  • Grid ref: NJ 499 265 Ordnance Survey Landranger Series sheet no. 37

8 miles S of Huntly. At the South end of Rhynie, turn E off A97 onto narrow track which runs for mile down hill to the old kirkyard. 3 stones stand in a small enclosure in the graveyard carpark.

Pict Symbols

Pictish Symbols - Cklick to View larger image