
Tree Issues

The property owner is responsible for maintaining trees within their property boundary. This includes removing trees which have fallen. If you are concerned with trees outside your property boundary you should contact the landowner directly. 

Find out about ash tree dieback disease and responsibilities of tree owners.

We have explained below what action to take regarding trees related to council owned buildings, land or roads and what you need to do before working on a tree.

How to report an issue with a tree

Depending on where the tree is located and the circumstances surrounding the tree you need to report any issues the following ways:

  • to report a fallen tree that is affecting a road please see our Report a Road fault page
  • if you have an issue regarding a tree in the garden of your council house please contact Housing
  • to report an issue with a tree on council ground, such as park or public space, please email our landscaping team at

If the tree in question is subject to a Tree Protection Order, or is located in a Conservation area, please see our Protected Trees page for further information. 

When we will take action to remedy a tree in our care

Trees enhance our natural environment by improving air quality and contributing to the beauty of the natural landscape. If you feel a tree is causing a problem the first step is to establish ownership of the tree, if the tree is in the ownership of Aberdeenshire Council then action will be taken on the following health and safety related issues:

  • Low branches causing obstruction to the highway or footpaths
  • Trees obscuring traffic signs or signals or sight lines on the highway
  • Structurally unsound trees
  • Branches touching buildings
  • Obtrusive root growth
  • Broken, hanging or fallen branches
  • Fallen uprooted trees
  • Dead, dying or diseased trees
  • Trees proven to be implicated in subsidence/insurance claims

When we will not take action regarding a tree

In in the below circumstances no action will be taken:

  • Falling sap, pollen, leaves, seeds, flowers, nuts and/or berries
  • Interference to mobile phone, satellite or television reception
  • Blocking views or causing shading of gardens
  • Branches overhanging property
  • Trees that are considered to be too large

What to do before working on a tree

Before carrying out or instructing any tree work always check whether a tree is subject to a tree protection order, a condition of a planning consent or in a conservation area as permission will be required, it is an offence to carry out any work on protected trees without permission, this offence normally carries a fine of up to £20,000.