
11 May 2022

Council shares thanks and appreciation for foster carers

With Fostercare Fortnight (9-22 May) underway, Aberdeenshire Council is keen to recognise the immense contribution made by foster carers across Aberdeenshire.

Head of Children’s Services, Leigh Jolly commented: “The last two years have impacted all our lives in a way we never expected. This has been especially challenging for care experienced children and young people and all those whose role it is to nurture and support them. 

“Our foster carers and our kinship carers help children and young people thrive, build their self-esteem and confidence, feel loved and achieve their goals. It’s not always easy but the difference they make is truly life-changing and we are very grateful for everything they do.” 

The theme for this year’s Fostercare Fortnight is ‘fostering communities’, highlighting the ways people across the fostering community support each other. Having a strong support network is essential as a foster carer and this is supported by ongoing training and advice provided by Aberdeenshire Council, a family placement social worker and support groups. 

Membership of The Fostering Network is also funded and open to all Aberdeenshire foster carers for independent advice and guidance. 

If you would like to find out more about becoming a foster carer, please visit: You will find detailed information on the website about becoming a foster carer and the support and guidance available. 

You can then request an information pack by emailing For more information, follow @adoptandfosteraberdeenshire on Facebook or call 01467 532700.