
19 May 2022

'It was refreshing to see such excellent and musical performances'

The winners of the Aberdeenshire Regional Scottish Young Music Competition have been announced.

Eloisa Donavan won this year’s contest whilst Charlotte Hay and Charlotte Slater were runners-up. Eloisa performed the third movement of Strauss’ horn concerto number one. The first movement of Elgar Cello Concerto on the cello secured Charlotte Hay second place; whilst Charlotte Slater also finished second with Brahms FAE Sonata plus traditional set (Old Strathspey; Old Jig).

The winner will be presented with a trophy, £50 in vouchers, and will be performing at the national final which will be held at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow on Sunday, May 29.

Charlotte Hay and Charlotte Slater will receive a trophy and £25 in vouchers. All the young people who took part in the Aberdeenshire regional stage will be given a certificate of participation.

The competition was adjudicated by Pauline Black, Head of Music at the University of Aberdeen. She said: “I would like to say how enjoyable it was watching and listening to all of the performances, which were all of an incredibly high standard. It was so refreshing to see such excellent and musical performances, particularly following the challenges of the past two years. These young people have all still managed to excel in their music making, which is great to see and a credit to Aberdeenshire Instrumental Music Service.

“All of the young people and their teachers should be congratulated for their confident performances. Adjudicating the competition was a very difficult and most enjoyable task. Every single person who submitted an entry is a fabulous young musician who can be very proud of their achievements. I hope you all continue to have a lifetime of happy and healthy music making! Thank you for sharing your performances with me.”

Justin Brook, Music Development Manager, added: “I was incredibly impressed by every single performance submitted. Thank you also to the instructors, teachers, and parents and, of course, performers that have supported Aberdeenshire’s involvement in this new national competition. I am sure the regional competition will develop with even more participants in future years.

“We are very fortunate that Pauline Black was able to adjudicate for us. I know that she found the decision for the winners extremely challenging and had to spend a considerable amount of time deliberating, such was the high standard of the performances.”

For more information about the Young Scottish Musician Competition please visit