
02 November 2022

Aberdeenshire Licensing Board

The Aberdeenshire Licensing Board is reviewing the alcohol Licensing Policy Statement, and is looking to engage on the main issues around alcohol licensing in Aberdeenshire.

The Board is seeking your views which will shape how the revised policy is drafted. There will be further consultation next year on the revised policy document.

The Board is looking to engage with members of the licensed trade, the public, statutory partners, community partners and organisations. Please share this with anyone that you think would be interested in responding.

The Board has set up an online engagement which can be found online at and the current scheme, some quick polls, and a survey are available.

This is also where anonymised responses will be published at the end of the engagement. 

Aberdeenshire Council is looking to engage on important elements such as opening hours for premises, whether or not there is overprovision in Aberdeenshire, end of aisle promotions, local conditions and other issues.

The council is also keen to hear if there are other alcohol related issues in your community or issues with the current policy.

For alternative formats, languages or further information about this policy, please:
Phone: 01467 534517
Write to: The Aberdeenshire Licensing Board, Viewmount, Arduthie Road, Stonehaven, AB39 2DQ.

You can respond to this consultation in writing to: Viewmount, Arduthie Road, Stonehaven, AB39 2DQ or by e-mail at:

All comments, views and evidence should be submitted by January 6.