
10 October 2022

New footway named Stevie's Way in recognition of Stonehaven volunteering stalwart

A new footway linking Bridgefield Bridge to Stonehaven Beach has been named Stevie’s Walk in honour of a well-known resident.

Stevie Smith volunteers a considerable amount of his personal time to ensure the town is kept clean and litter free.

Each year, Stonehaven & District Community Council present a community award to
a local person who has contributed significantly to the betterment of community
life and, in 2021, Stevie was honoured for his selfless work and efforts.

When the new footway was constructed as part of the Stonehaven Flood Protection Scheme, local residents suggested the footway be named so a public consultation was
carried out by Aberdeenshire Council.

Following that engagement, local councillors and Stonehaven & District Community Council fully supported the popular suggestion to name the footway ‘Stevie’s Walk’.

At a recent meeting of Kincardine and Mearns Area Committee, the name was formally agreed and signage will be installed in the near future.

Area committee chair Cllr Wendy Agnew said: “I cannot think of a better way in which to thank Stevie for all his wonderful efforts in Stonehaven than to ensure his name will be forever linked to the town. I would like to thank Stevie and indeed all those who dedicate themselves to making Stonehaven a real jewel in Aberdeenshire’s crown.”