
26 October 2022

Nominations sought for Boddam Community Council

Nominations are being sought to fill five vacancies on Boddam Community Council in the Buchan area over the coming weeks.

The importance of community councils has become more evident - particularly throughout the pandemic and severe weather events – so it is vital that enough people put themselves forward to allow the Boddam organisation continue its good work.

Nominations forms are now being accepted until November 16 at 5pm.

If the number of nominees outnumber the spaces available, a ballot will be held on Wednesday, November 23 from 6-8pm at Boddam Library.

The community council’s Extraordinary Annual General Meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, December 7 at 7pm.

If you would like to put yourself forward for one of the vacancies, nomination forms, closing dates and further information can be accessed from the council website at or by emailing or

For further information contact Theresa Wood at or by calling on 01467 530917.