
10 September 2022

Arrangements for Her Majesty The Queen's cortege

Her Majesty The Queen’s cortege is to begin its journey from Balmoral to Edinburgh shortly after 10am on Sunday morning (Sep 11).

To support a clear route, there will be no Park and Ride services from Ballater or Braemar, nor public access to the Balmoral estate area until 12noon. At this point, services will resume until around 6:30pm.

As the cortege travels along the A93 corridor, there are a number of locations at which the public can watch it pass. These include Ballater, Dinnet, Aboyne, Kincardine O’Neil, Banchory, and Drumoak.

It will then pass through Aberdeen City before taking the A92 southbound, and the public are strongly advised not to gather near the carriageway in the interests of road safety.

Those observing should make sure to find a safe space and park appropriately without obstructing any part of the route.

Some things to bear in mind:

  • Please do not travel to Balmoral estate by car, and use the Park and Ride during its operational times. 
  • Please find a place to watch the cortege move where you can stand safely
  • Please do not throw flowers at the cortege as it passes
  • Head to dedicated section of our website for all the latest details