News articles for Jun 2023
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Infrastructure Services Committee June round-up
During its meeting on Thursday, June 15, Aberdeenshire Council Infrastructure Services Committee discussed development and future sustainable maintenance and promotion of Aberdeenshire's Coastal Path Network and received an update on the outcome of the 5-year review of Road Inspection Policy.
20 June 2023

Be on the lookout for blooms of potentially hazardous blue-green algae in the region's lochs and rivers
Grampian Public Health are issuing a reminder to people to be on the lookout for blooms of potentially hazardous blue-green algae - also known as Cyanobacteria - in the region's lochs and rivers.
16 June 2023

Aberdeenshire Children's Panel members celebrated
Members of Aberdeenshire Children’s Panel have been honoured for their support of young people.
16 June 2023

Restoration project to tackle pollution and overgrowth at popular Denman Park ponds in Westhill
A project aimed at restoring and improving the quality of the ponds at Denman Park in Westhill and increasing and restoring habitat and biodiversity is gaining momentum.
16 June 2023

Aberdeenshire pre-school recognised as 'excellent'
An Aberdeenshire pre-school has been rated “excellent” across the board after an inspection.
16 June 2023

Aberdeenshire's digital progress
Aberdeenshire Council area is the fastest improving area in the UK in terms of uptake towards broadband connections.
12 June 2023

June is Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month
Aberdeenshire Council is once more celebrating Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month, which runs throughout June.
09 June 2023

Bairns at Monymusk skweel scrieve an publish buik
Pupils at an Aberdeenshire primary school have written and published a book in the Doric dialect.
09 June 2023

Live Life Aberdeenshire projects and services hailed by Communities Committee
Councillors have welcomed the vibrancy and successes of Live Life Aberdeenshire following the publication of its annual performance update.
08 June 2023

Children to have their say on new playpark equipment in Banff and Buchan communities
Children in two Banff and Buchan communities are being given the chance to have their say on what new playpark equipment they would like to see introduced in their villages.
08 June 2023