
27 February 2024

Braemar School and Nursey Class visit by school inspectors

Braemar School and Nursey Class has received a glowing report following a visit by school inspectors.

The Education Scotland inspection team found strengths in the school’s work including the “positive nurturing relationships between children and staff in the nursery and school” and that staff “support children to be caring, articulate, confident and highly motivated to learn”.

Inspectors praised the “highly effective leadership of the headteacher, who has created a supportive climate for learning” and for embedding “the use of continuous self-evaluation and reflection which is benefitting all children and staff”.

The report stated children’s “understanding of wellbeing in the nursery and school which includes talking about emotions. This is supporting all children to express how they feel and as a result, they focus well on their learning.

“At the primary stages, the well-developed pupil leadership opportunities enable children to be responsible, included and valued in the life of the school.”

The Station Road school has been tasked with continue to develop, reflect and share good practice in planning and extending children’s experiences and to continue to review approaches to assessment across the school. This will support children to transfer skills into new and unfamiliar situations.