
Building Standards performance

Information on quarterly and annual performance of the Building Standards Service including our annual performance report and our customer service standards performance is available for the public to view.

Quarterly performance indicators
Performance indicator Current target Q1 (April to June 2024) Q2 (July to September 2024) Q3 (October to December 2024) Q4 (January to March 2025)
Percentage of Building Warrant and Amendment applications assessed for compliance with technical standards within 20 working days 95% 95%      
Percentage of Building Warrants and Amendment applications issued within 10 working days from receipt of all satisfactory information 90% 96%      
Time taken from notification of a potentially dangerous building to completed risk assessment (this may include an inspection) - within 4 hours 100% 100%      
Maintain an overall customer satisfaction rate of 90% 90% 95.7%      

Quarter 1 (April to June 2024) comments:

  • The 20-day first response target, set by the Building Standards Division, has met the overall target across Aberdeenshire
  • The 10-day time from a satisfactory application being returned to the issuing of the building warrant has met the overall target across Aberdeenshire
  • All 15 dangerous building call outs in Aberdeenshire this quarter were responded to within the prescribed 4-hour time period target
Annual performance indicators
Performance indicator Target 2021 to 2022 2022 to 2023 2023 to 2024
Percentage of building warrant and amendment applications assessed for compliance with technical standards within 20 working days 95% 96% 97% 97%
Percentage of building warrants and amendment applications issued within 10 working days from receipt of all satisfactory information 90% 96% 96% 96%
Time taken from notification of a potentially dangerous building to completed risk assessment (this may include an inspection) - within 4 hours 100% 100% 100% 100%
Maintain an overall customer satisfaction rate of 90% 90% 91.5% 92.7% 95.9%
Maintain an overall national customer satisfaction rate above 7.5 on a scale from 1 (not at all satisfied) to 10 (completely satisfied) 7.5 8.2 8.4 9.1

To find out more about our performance view: