Other Information
Supplementary Guidance - Energetica Placemaking
The Buchan Area Committee on 31 January 2012, the Formartine Area Committee on 7 February 2012, and the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of Aberdeen City Council on 15 November 2011 agreed the Energetica Placemaking Supplementary Guidance. The Supplementary Guidance is a ‘design and placemaking’ policy which covers land within two strategic growth areas (parts of north Aberdeen and Blackdog to Peterhead), as identified in the Aberdeen City and Shire Structure Plan (2009). The supplementary guidance can be viewed below.
The supplementary guidance is accompanied by planning advice and an overview document. The planning advice and overview document are still to be amended in light of the community engagement. Nonetheless, further information can be viewed at www.energetica.uk.com/placemaking.html.
Parks and Open Spaces Strategy
Following a stakeholder and wider public consultation on the Strategy in March and April 2010, and its discussion at the six Area Committees in October and November 2010, the Infrastructure Services Committee approved the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy on 27 January 2011. View settlement summaries.
Town Centre Health Checks
Town Centre Health Checks occur biannually to assess the vitality and viability of nine Aberdeenshire settlements including Banchory, Banff, Ellon, Fraserburgh, Huntly, Inverurie, Peterhead, Stonehaven and Turriff. The study is intended to provide information on the health of the town centres and does not carry any statutory weight.
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Aberdeenshire Council have written this environmental report for the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan and supplementary guidance under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. The process taken to write this environmental report is called Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The reason for undertaking SEA is to address all the effects that a plan, programme or strategy will have on the environment. The overall aim of the process is to protect the environment. Throughout this SEA process we have taken the views of others into account before coming to final decisions
- Strategic Environmental Assessment: Environmental Report (pdf 4.47 MB)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report amended 2012 (pdf 2.1MB)
Habitats Regulation Appraisal
The draft habitats regulation appraisal was modified following feedback from NatureScot. The following amended document was submitted to accompany the Proposed Plan. A further revision will take place to consider any changes resulting from the examination of the proposed plan
Multi-Equality Impact Assessment
The multi-equality impact assessment (MEIA) identifies where policies, guidance or procedures will have an effect on different people, or groups of people. Aberdeenshire Council has a statutory duty to consider address and resolve any adverse impact which might arise from the policies included in the Proposed Plan.
The Council recognises the need to comply with legislation and the need to promote equal opportunities for communities and ensure that discrimination does not occur.
The MEIA focuses on equality target groups, these are people within society who are at risk from discrimination and social exclusion.
Housing Need and Demand Assessment 2010
The Scottish Government requires that development plans and local housing strategies are informed by the preparation of a 'Housing Need and Demand Assessment' (HNDA).
The HNDA provides robust evidence on which to base planning and housing policy interventions. The assessment considers the operation and scope of current housing markets, identifying key drivers within the housing system to assess the future housing market and the housing needs of current and future residents.
This assessment has been updated to 2011
Housing Needs and Demands Assessment 2011 (4.8Mb)
Main Issues Report 2009
The Main Issues Report was reported to the Council's Infrastructure Services Committee on 30 April 2009. This document identified choices for development in the area, in particular the locations where we felt development should and should not occur. This was the key document for early engagement on the Local Development Plan.
The Main Issues Report was published for a seven week consultation period from 18 May 2009 to 6 July 2009. The consultation responses helped to form the policies and proposed development sites as set out in the Proposed LDP. Responses to the Main Issues Report can be found here - Local Development Plan - Main Issues Report Responses.