Planning advice: meeting LDP requirements
Planning advice provides best practice guidance on how to meet the requirements of the Local Development Plan. The guidance provides applicants with a useful steer on proposals, leading to better quality developments from the outset. We review this advice regularly and update it as required.
In addition in 2015 the Economic Development team has provided advice on obtaining community benefits from renewable energy developments, including wind turbines.
View the most up to date agreed planning advice which reflects the National Planning Framework 4:
- PA2023-01 – Aberdeenshire Forestry and Woodland Strategy (PDF 8.3MB)
- PA2023-02 – Allotments (previous reference 1/2019) (PDF 1.6MB)
- PA2023-03 - Landscape Sensitivity Assessment: Onshore Wind Energy Development in Aberdeenshire (PDF 5.9MB)
- PA2023-03 – Appendix 1 – Sensitivity Assessment Tables (PDF 3.6MB)
- PA2023-03 – Appendix 2 – Maps (PDF 5.5MB)
- PA2023-04 – Energetica (previous reference 5/2012) (PDF 9.29MB)
- PA2023-05 – Energy Statements (PDF 655KB)
- PA2023-06 – Fraserburgh Shopfront Design (previous reference 2/2018) (PDF 3.8MB)
- PA2023-07 – Landscape Character Advice for Small Scale Development Introduction (previous reference 12/2012) (PDF 6.9MB)
- PA2023-07a - Coastal Landscape Character Types (PDF 6.2MB)
- PA2023-07b - Woodlands and Valley Landscape Character Types (PDF 9.13MB)
- PA2023-07c - Upland Landscape Character Types (PDF 2.9MB)
- PA2023-07d - Farmed and Lowland Landscape Character Types (PDF 17.1MB)
- PA2023-08 – Landscaping Design (previous reference 13/2015) (PDF 739KB)
- PA2023-09 – Masterplanning (previous reference 7/2012) (PDF 970KB)
- PA2023-10 – Securing Positive Effects for Biodiversity (PDF 1.1MB)
- PA2023-11 – Development in the Countryside Policies R1 and R2 including Organic Growth of Settlements (PDF 12.3MB)
- PA2023-12 – Outdoor Access and Development (previous reference 10/2015) (PDF 741KB)
- PA2023-13 – Pipelines and Hazardous Development Consultation Zones (previous reference 1/2017) (PDF 636KB)
- PA2023-13 - Pipeline and Hazardous Development Consultation Zones - maps 1 to 10 (PDF 4.8MB)
- PA2023-13 - Pipeline and Hazardous Development Consultation Zones - maps 11 to 20 (PDF 5.3MB)
- PA2023-13 - Pipeline and Hazardous Development Consultation Zones - maps 21 to 30 (PDF 5MB)
- PA2023-13 - Pipeline and Hazardous Development Consultation Zones - maps 31 to 40 (PDF 5MB)
- PA2023-13 - Pipeline and Hazardous Development Consultation Zones - maps 41 to 50 (PDF 5.5MB)
- PA2023-13 - Pipeline and Hazardous Development Consultation Zones - maps 51 to 56 (PDF 3.3MB)
- PA2023-14 – Residential Caravans (PDF 722KB)
- PA2023-15 – SP=EED (Successful Planning = Effective Engagement and Delivery - previous reference 1/2018) (PDF 729KB)
- PA2023-16 – Buffer Strips (previous reference 9/2015) (PDF 624KB)
- PA2023-17 - Baseline Ecological Survey (previous reference 6/2015) (PDF 708KB)
- PA2023-18 – Tourist Facilities (PDF 714KB)
- PA2023-19 – Town Centre Impacts (PDF 797KB)
- PA2023-20 – Trees and Development (previous reference 11/2015) (PDF 865KB)
- PA2023-21 – Assessing Wind Energy Developments (PDF 866KB)
- PA2023-22 – Providing Drainage for New Developments where Public Sewers are not available (previous reference 1/2008) (PDF 1.1MB)