The Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan Main Issues Report Policy Review
To inform debate and discussion on the Main Issues Report an initial review was undertaken of the existing policies within the Local Development Plan 2012 to determine whether they remained fit for purpose. A summary of the findings, and the individual policy reviews, are to be found below.
Individual policy review papers
- Policy 1 Business development (228KB)
- SG Bus1: Development of business land (227KB)
- SG Bus2: Office development (224KB)
- SG Bus3: Working from home (221KB)
- SG Bus4: Tourist facilities and accommodation (224KB)
- Policy 2 Town centres and retailing (228KB)
- SG Retail1: Town centres and retailing (236KB)
- SG Retail2: Retail development in the countryside (227KB)
- Policy 3 Develoment in the countryside (231KB)
- SG Rural Development1: Housing and business development in the countryside (237KB)
- SG Rural Development2: Wind farms and medium to large wind turbines (259KB)
- SG Rural Development3: Other renewable energy developments (233KB)
- SG Rural Development4: Minerals (236KB)
- Policy 4 Special types of rural land (229KB)
- SG STRLtype1: Development in the coastal zone (232KB)
- SG STRLtype2: Greenbelt (232KB)
- Policy 5 Housing land supply (232KB)
- SG Housing1: Housing land allocations 2007-2016 (237KB)
- SG Housing2: Housing land allocations 2017 to 2023 and early draw down (238KB)
- Policy 6 Affordable housing (227KB)
- SG Affordable Housing1: Affordable housing (243KB)
- Policy 7 Other special housing needs (229KB)
- SG SHN1: Development for particular needs (227KB)
- SG SHN2: Residential caravans (221KB)
- SG SHN3: Gypsies/travellers (233KB)
- Policy 8 Layout, siting and design of new development (228KB)
- SG LSD1: Masterplanning (234KB)
- SG LSD2: Layout, siting and design of new development (240KB)
- SG LSD3: House extensions
- SG LSD4: Infill development (228KB)
- SG LSD5: Public open space (232KB)
- SG LSD6: Public access (228KB)
- SG LSD7: Community facilities (225KB)
- SG LSD8: Flooding and erosion (231KB)
- SG LSD9: Hazardous development (230KB)
- SG LSD10: Contaminated land (231KB)
- SG LSD11: Carbon neutrality in new development (253KB)
- Policy 9 Developer contributions (226KB)
- SG Developer Contributions1: Developer Contributions (226KB)
- SG Developer Contributions2: Access to new development (223KB)
- SG Developer Contributions3: Water and waste water drainage infrastructure (237KB)
- SG Developer Contributions4: Waste management requirements for new development (237KB)
- Policy 10 Enabling development (225KB)
- SG Enabling Development1: Enabling development (226KB)
- Policy 11 Natural heritage (228KB)
- SG Natural Environment1: Protection of nature conservation sites (242KB)
- SG Natural Environment2: Protection of the wider biodiversity and geodiversity (245KB)
- Policy 12 Landscape conservation (229KB)
- SG Landscape1: Landscape character (223KB)
- SG Landscape2: Valued views (237KB)
- Policy 13 Protecting, improving and conserving the historic environment (HE) (229KB)
- SG Historic Environment1: Listed buildings (230KB)
- SG Historic Environment2: Conservation areas (232KB)
- Policy 14 Safeguarding of resources and areas of search (SR) (229KB)
- SG Safeguarding1: Protection and conservation of the water environment (241KB)
- SG Safeguarding2: Protection and conservation of agricultural land (228KB)
- SG Safeguarding3: Protection and conservation of trees and woodland (255KB)
- SG Safeguarding4: Safeguarding transportation facilities (221KB)
- SG Safeguarding5: Safeguarding employment land (232KB)
- SG Safeguarding6: Safeguarding oil and gas sites (221KB)
- SG Safeguarding7: Areas of search for minerals (228KB)
- SG Safeguarding8: Areas of search for waste facilities (248KB)