Becoming a childminder
We aim to make sure that good quality, affordable childcare is available to meet the needs of all families across Aberdeenshire and we offer help for childminders.
To become a childminder you will need to register with Care Inspectorate.
Induction training
We offer free induction training for childminders, running throughout the year. The topics include:
- partnership with parents
- taking the professional approach
- promoting positive behaviour
- an introduction to child protection
To apply for this course or for more information, contact the Scottish Childminding Association.
Promoting childcare services
You can promote your services via the Scottish Family Information Service website. A wide range of establishments across Aberdeenshire, including health centres, schools, workplaces, libraries, and job centres advertise this website.
Support and advice
We can offer a range of support and advice to current childminders and those who are interested in becoming a childminder. This includes:
- Initial information about becoming a childminder
- Data about demand in the area
- Registration with the Care Inspectorate
- Business planning
- Grants/ funding support for set up
- Exploring funding opportunities (not set up)
- PVGs (Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme)
- Training, learning, qualifications and development
- Operational queries (risk assessments, meeting individual needs, policies and procedures)
- Advertising and promoting service
- Peer support (childminder network)
- Inspection query (Care Inspectorate)
- How to become a funded provider (post first inspection only)
To make sure that we put you in touch with the right person, please complete the form below and we will be in touch within 5 working days.
For more information about becoming a childcare worker and funding, contact:
Childcare Strategy team
Midmill Primary School
Carnie Road
AB51 0QH
Telephone: 0800 298 3330