
South Aberdeenshire Day Services

South Aberdeenshire Day Services accessing our service

To access our service you need to be referred by your social worker. They will assess your needs and eligibility before referring you. A visit to our service will be arranged to decide if we can offer what you want and need.

If you have been referred to us and like what you see, you, your carers, guardian, social worker and day service manager agree what the placement is to cover and on what days.

Placements are temporary and discussed at reviews. They aren't offered for life.

Your keyworker

A member of staff is assigned to you as your keyworker. They make sure:

  • your outcomes in the service are identified and an action plan created
  • an Individual Service Plan (ISP) is agreed and completed
  • everyone involved in the plan know their responsibilities
  • essential resources in the plan are available or developed
  • your agreed outcomes are regularly reviewed
  • your parents, carers, guardians and advocates are involved
  • you are involved in the planning and management of day services

An 'outcome' is an aim or objective you would like to achieve.


We use your action plan to monitor progress and satisfaction levels through review meetings. A 'review' is where you meet with all people providing your support and look at your program, progress and achievements and set your outcomes for the next year.

Everyone using our day services has at least two reviews a year. One is a formal review that includes everyone involved in your placement. This is called a multi-agency formal review. Followed by an interim six monthly review involving you and your keyworker.

Moving from school

For those transitioning from school to Adult Day services we know this can be daunting, we offer visits over a period of time. This helps you to become familiar with new people, surroundings and activities. We work closely with schools to make sure the move is as smooth as can be.