
Virtual Site Inspections for Building Standards

Virtual Site Inspections (VSIs) are available as an alternative method to physical site inspections.

This video demonstrates a virtual building inspection being carried out.

If you would like more information on VSIs and whether it would be an appropriate option to use during your building project, please contact our team to discuss your requirements. Please note that a VSI needs to be approved by a Building Standards Surveyor (BSS) as there will be instances where a VSI may not be suitable, for example, final completion inspection or where building work is complex.

Once agreement has been reached to schedule a VSI we will confirm contact details along with an agreed IT software package to be utilised. We will try to work with you regarding IT requirements however, our preferred options for VSIs are Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp or Skype. You will receive an acknowledgement letter or email for a scheduled VSI confirming date, time, and the agreed IT package to be utilised and reminding you that the software needs to be downloaded prior to the VSI.

Note that the VSI will not be recorded, and the information shared during the VSI is for the sole purpose of the inspection. At the start of the VSI the BSS will introduce themselves and show you their Aberdeenshire Council ID badge. The BSS will talk you through the plans at the start of the call and indicate what they want to see and where they want to start. You will be guided to point your camera in a certain direction, show closer detail, provide scale and context etc.

You may be asked to take some photographic evidence as you walk through the VSI but you will be helped and directed if this is required. It would be appreciated if you could have available a measuring tape or any other necessary tools that might be required to assist with the VSI. The BSS will confirm if they are satisfied with the level of detail shown, indicate that the VSI is complete and that the information will be reviewed to check that you can progress to the next stage of the Building Warrant process.  Any building works identified as requiring remedial work will be detailed in a letter following the VSI.

Please note that during the VSI it would be appreciated if you can avoid videoing anyone else. We also fully acknowledge that there could be a failure of technology and/or poor quality video call during a VSI. Please do not worry about this as we understand and can either arrange a further VSI, request additional photographs or advise that an on-site inspection will be required.