
Development Briefs and Masterplans

Understanding Development Briefs and Masterplans

A number of Development Briefs and Masterplans have previously been prepared as Supplementary Planning Guidance. They now hold the same status as Planning Advice.

Supplementary Guidance SG LSD2: Layout, siting and design of new development states that the layout, siting and design of new developments will be approved in accordance with part 1 of the policy, where they conform "with any agreed masterplan, development brief, design statement or design code prepared for the site".

Development Briefs and Masterplans provide in-depth guidance relating to the development a particular site including what the site should be used for, how it should be delivered, any sensitivities, design elements and other key issues or challenges that should be taken into consideration.

Where Development Briefs or Masterplans refer to previous Aberdeenshire Local Plan (2006) policies, reference should now be made to equivalent Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan (2012) policies.

View a list that include masterplans which have been submitted by developers and are under consideration prior to submission to the Local Area Committee, and those which have been agreed by the Local Area Committee.