Contact business rates
Find out how to access business rates services, or if the information or service isn't available on this website, find out how to contact us.
Many of our services for businesses are available online, including business rates. This allows you to access them at a time that is convenient to you. Please make use of our online services wherever possible.
Popular services
Please try to find a service or information on the website before contacting us. For ease we have listed the most popular business rates services below.
Reductions and reliefs
- Apply for Small Business Bonus Scheme
- Apply for Empty Property Relief
- All reduction and relief schemes
Charges, payments and changes
If you still need to contact us
If you can't find the right online service, our business rates team is available to deal with your enquiry, Monday to Friday from 8.45am to 5pm by:
- Email:
- Telephone: 01346 415824