
Planning application fees

Charges relating to copying documentation or for carrying out research are detailed on our Table of Charges (PDF 63KB). In addition to the charges for applications, in certain circumstances you may also need to pay an advertisement fee.

If you have any queries relating to the current fees for applications, or any other type of application, please contact one of our local offices.

View our customer briefing notes for the latest changes to the Planning Service.

Current planning fees

The current fees are set by the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2024.

Check the required fees based on the category of development and the type of application you are making:

You can also find out about: 

Applications for Full Planning Permission and for Applications for Approval, Consent or Agreement Required by a Condition Imposed on a Grant of Planning Permission in Principle

Residential Development

Category 1 - New dwellings - Construction of buildings, structures or erections for use as residential accommodation
(other than development within categories 2 to 6)
Where the number of dwellinghouses to be created does not exceed 10 £691 per house
Where the number of dwellinghouses to be created is fewer than 50 (11 to 49) £691 for each of the first 10 dwellings and then £519 for each dwelling thereafter
Where the number of dwellinghouses to be created is 50 or more £691 for each of the first 10 dwellings, £519 for each dwelling 11 to 49 and then £288 per dwelling thereafter, subject to a maximum of £172,856
Category 2 and 3 - Existing dwellings - The carrying out of operations which will result in the enlargement, improvement or other alteration of an existing dwelling and development within the domestic curtilage
Operations which will result in the enlargement, improvement or other alteration of an existing dwelling. Where the application relates to one dwellinghouse.  £346
Operations which will result in the enlargement, improvement or other alteration of an existing dwelling. Where the application relates to two or more dwellinghouses. £692
The carrying out of operations, including the erection of a building within the curtilage of an existing dwellinghouse, for purposes ancillary to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse as such. £346
The erection or construction of gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure along a boundary of the curtilage of an existing dwellinghouse. £346

Non-Residential Buildings

Category 4 - Construction of buildings, structures or erections including extensions (other than construction within categories 1, 5 and 6)
Where no floor area is created, or the gross floor space created does not exceed 50 square metres £346
Where the gross floor space created exceeds 50 square metres, but does not exceed 100 square metres £691
Where the gross floor space created exceeds 100 square metres, but does not exceed 4000 square metres £691 per 100 square metres
Where the gross floor space created exceeds 4000 square metres  £27,640 plus £346 per 100 square metres in respect of any gross floorspace exceeding 4000 square metres, subject to a maximum of £172,856
Where no buildings are created £691 per 0.1 hectare of site area, subject to a maximum of £172,856
Category 5 - The erection of buildings to be used for agricultural purposes on land used for the purposes of agriculture (other than buildings in category 6)
Where the ground area to be covered by the development does not exceed 500 square metres £576
Where the ground area to be covered by the development exceeds 500 square metres £576 plus £576 for each 100 square metres in excess of 500 square metres, subject to a maximum of £28,809
Category 6 - The erection of glasshouses or polytunnels to be used for agricultural purposes
Glasshouses and polytunnels as defined in Schedule 1 Part 1(5) £115 for each 100 square metres of ground area to be covered by the development, subject to a maximum of £5,762

Energy Generation

Category 7 - The erection of wind turbines and the carrying out of other operations in connection with the construction of the generating station, including the construction or installation of any means of access to the generating station, pipes or other conduits, and overhead lines
3 or fewer wind turbines with a ground to hub height not exceeding 15 metres £1,440
3 or fewer wind turbines with a ground to hub height more than 15 metres, but not exceeding 50 metres £2,880
3 or fewer wind turbines with a ground to hub height more than 50 metres £5,760
Where the number of turbines exceed 3 £576 for each 0.1 hectare of site area, subject to a maximum of £172,856
Category 8 - Hydro Electric Stations
The construction of a hydro-electric generating station and the carrying out of any other operations in connection with the construction of the generating station, including the construction or installation of any means of access to the generating station, pipes or other conduits, and overhead lines £576 for each 0.1 hectare of site area, subject to a maximum of £28,809
Category 9 - Solar
The construction of a solar electric generating station and the carrying out of any other operations in connection with the construction of the generating station, including the construction or installation of any means of access to the generating station, pipes or other conduits, and overhead lines £576 for each 0.1 hectare of site area, subject to a maximum of £28,809 
Category 10 - The carrying out of any operations connected with the exploratory drilling for oil or natural gas
Where the site does not exceed 0.1 hectares £1,152
Where the site area exceeds 0.1 hectares £1,152 in respect of the first 0.1 hectares of site area, plus £576 for each 0.1 hectare of site area in excess of 0.1 hectares, subject to a maximum of £172,856

Fish and Shellfish Farming 

Categories 11 and 12 - Fish and Shellfish Farming
The placing or assembly of equipment in any part of any marine waters for the purposes of fish farming £230 for each 0.1 hectare of the surface area of the marine waters to be used in relation to the placement or assembly of any equipment for the purposes of fish farming and £86 for each 0.1 hectare of the sea bed to be used in relation to such development, subject to a maximum of £28,809
The placing or assembly of equipment in any part of any marine waters for the purposes of shellfish farming £125 for each 0.1 hectare of the surface area of the marine waters to be used in relation to the placement or assembly of any equipment for the purposes of shellfish farming, subject to a maximum of £28,809
Category 13 - The erection, alteration or replacement of plant or machinery

Where the site area does not exceed 5 hectares £576 for each 0.1 hectare of site area
Where the site area exceeds 5 hectares £28,800 plus £288 for each 0.1 hectare of the site area in excess of 5 hectares, subject to a maximum of £172,856
Category 14 - The construction of car parks, service roads and other means of access on land used for the purposes of a single undertaking, where the development is required for a purpose incidental to the existing use of the land £576
Category 15 - Operations for the winning and working of minerals (not including peat)
Where the site area does not exceed 0.1 hectare £1,152
Where the site area exceeds 0.1 hectare, but does not exceed 15 hectares £1,152 plus £576 for each 0.1 hectare of the site area
Where the site area exceeds 15 hectares £86,976, plus £288 for each 0.1 hectare of site area in excess of 15 hectares, subject to a maximum of £172,856
Category 16 - Operations for the extraction of peat £576 for each 0.1 hectare of site area, subject to a maximum of £6,914
Category 17 - The carrying out of any operations not coming within any of the above categories
Where the site area does not exceed 0.1 hectare £1,152
Where the site area exceeds 0.1 hectare, but does not exceed 15 hectares £1,152 plus £576 for each 1 hectare of the site area in excess of 0.1 hectare
Where the site area exceeds 15 hectares  £9,792 plus £288 for each 0.1 hectare of the site area in excess of 15 hectares, subject to a maximum of £172,856

Use of land

Category 18 - The use of land for the disposal of refuse or waste materials or for the deposit of material remaining after minerals have been extracted from land 
Where the site area does not exceed 0.1 hectares £1,152
Where the site area exceeds 0.1 hectares, but does not exceed 15 hectares £1,152 plus £576 for each 1 hectare of the site area in excess of 0.1 hectare
Where the site area exceeds 15 hectares £86,976, plus £288 for each 0.1 hectare of the site area in excess of 15 hectares, subject to a maximum of £172,856
Category 19 - The use of land for the storage of minerals in the open
Where the site area does not exceed 0.1 hectares £1,152
Where the site area exceeds 0.1 hectare, but does not exceed 15 hectares £1,152 plus £576 for each 1 hectare of the site area in excess of 0.1 hectare
Where the site area exceeds 15 hectares £86,976, plus £288 for each 0.1 hectare of the site area in excess of 15 hectares, subject to a maximum of £172,856

Change of use of buildings or land

Category 20 - The change of use of a building to use as one or more dwellinghouses
Where the number of dwellinghouses to be created by the development does not exceed 10 £691 per dwellinghouse
Where the number of dwellinghouses to be created by the development is fewer than 50 (11 to 49) £691 for the first 10 dwellinghouses, then £519 for each dwellinghouse thereafter
Where the number of dwellinghouses to be created by the development is 50 or more £691 for each of the first 10 dwellinghouses, £591 for each dwellinghouse 11 to 49 and then £288 for each dwellinghouse thereafter, subject to a maximum of £172,856
Category 21 - A material change in the use of a building (other than a change of use referred to in category 20)
Where the gross floor space does not exceed 100 square metres £691
Where the gross floor space exceeds 100 square metres up to 4,000 square metres £691, plus £691 per 100 square metres
Where the gross floor space exceeds 4,000 square metres £27,640 plus £346 per 100 square metres in respect of any gross floor space exceeding 4,000 square metres, subject to a maximum of £172,856
Category 22 - A material change in the use of land other than a change of use within category 21, or a change of use within categories 18 or 19, or a change in the use of equipment placed or assembled in marine waters for the purposes of fish farming or shellfish farming £576 per 0.1 hectare of the site area, subject to a maximum of £5,762

Fees for Applications for Planning Permission in Principle

Residential Development

Category 1 - New Dwellings - Construction of buildings, structures or erections for use as residential accommodation
Where only one dwellinghouse is to be created £691
Where more than one dwellinghouse is to be created, and the site area does not exceed 2.5 hectares £691 per 0.1 hectare of the site area
Where more than one dwellinghouse is to be created, and the site area exceeds 2.5 hectares £691 for each 0.1 hectare up to 2.5 hectares of the site area, then £346 for each 0.1 hectare in excess of 2.5 hectares, subject to a maximum of £86,428

Non-residential buildings

Category 2 - Construction of buildings, structures or erections, including extensions
Where the site area is 2.5 hectares or less £691 for each 0.1 hectare of the site area
Where the site area exceeds 2.5 hectares £691 for each 0.1 hectare up to 2.5 hectares of the site area, and then £346 for each 0.1 hectare in excess of 2.5 hectares, subject to a maximum total fee of £86,428

Certificate of lawful use or development

Certificates of Lawfulness of existing use or development
Section 150(1)(a) or (b) - existing uses other than use as one or more separate dwellinghouses and any operations The same fee as would apply to a planning application for the same development
Section 150(1)(c) - any other matter constituting a failure to comply with any condition or limitation subject to which planning permission has been granted £346
Certificates of Lawfulness for proposed use or development
Section 151(1) - proposed use of buildings or other land, or operations proposed to be carried out in, on, over or under land Half the fee applying to a planning application for the same development
Section 151(1)(a) - where the use specified is use as one or more separate dwellinghouses £691 for each dwellinghouse, subject to a maximum of £172,856

Fees for Prior Notification

This details fees for a determination as to whether the approval of the planning authority is required in relation to development under schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order. 

Category of development Fee payable
An application made for determination as to whether the prior approval of the planning authority is required in relation to development under schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order (other than one within categories 2 to 9) £200
An application made by virtue of paragraph (4A) of Class 18 of Part 6 (agricultural buildings and operations) of schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order No fee
An application made by virtue of paragraph (4) of Class 18B of Part 6 (agricultural buildings and operations) of schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order £600
An application made by virtue of paragraph (5) of Class 18C of Part 6 (agricultural buildings and operations) of schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order £600
An application made by virtue of paragraph (4) of Class 21A of Part 6A (fish farming) of schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order £750
An application made by virtue of paragraph (4) of Class 22A of Part 7 (forestry buildings and operations) of schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order £600
An application made by virtue of paragraph (5) of Class 22B of Part 7 (forestry buildings and operations) of schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order £600
An application made by virtue of paragraph (4) of Class 22 of Part 7 (forestry buildings and operations) of schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order No fee
An application made by virtue of paragraph (23) of Class 67 of Part 20 (development by electronic communications code operators) of schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order £750

Fees for application types not covered in other categories

Category of development Fee payable
Section 42 (applications to develop land without complying with previous conditions) of the 1997 Act £346
Advertisement consent £346
Hazardous Substances Consent

Application under regulation 6 (applications for hazardous substances consent) where the quantity specified in the application as the maximum quantity proposed to be present exceeds twice the controlled quantity £1383
Application under regulation 6 (other than an application referred to in sub-paragraph (a)) £691
Application under regulation 7 (applications for removal of conditions attached to hazardous substances consent) £691
Application under regulation 8 (application for continuation of hazardous substances consent where there has been a change in the person in control of any part of the land) £691

Concessionary fees and exemptions

Category of development Fee payable
Works to improve a disabled persons access to a public building, or to improve their access, safety, health or comfort at their dwellinghouse No fee
Applications (including advertisement applications) by community councils 50% of normal fee (set out in schedule 1)
Applications required because of the removal of permitted development rights by a condition or by an Article 4 direction No fee
Applications for alterations of or other operations within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse required because of the removal of householder development rights (other than the extension of a dwelling) due to the dwelling being within a conservation area 75% or normal fee
Applications required because of the removal by a condition of a right to make a change of use within the Use Classes Order No fee
Playing fields (for sports clubs etc). Further details are provided in Schedule 1 (9) £691
Revised or fresh application, by the same applicant, for development or advertisements of the same character or description within 12 months of refusal, or of the making of the earlier application if withdrawn, or within 12 months of expiry of the statutory determination period where the applicant has appealed or requested a review on the ground of non-determination No fee
Revised or fresh application, by the same applicant, for development of the same character or description within 12 months of receiving permission No fee
Alternative schemes Highest of the fees applicable for each option (schedule 1, part 4)
Development crossing planning authority boundaries requiring several applications The fee is payable proportionally based on the total fee and the proportion of the total site area of the development which falls within that area. The amount payable in respect of all the applications shall be one and a half times the amount which would have been payable if application had been made to a single authority in respect of the whole development or the sum of the amounts which would have been payable, which ever is the lesser

Discretionary fees

The Town and country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 introduced categories of fees to let the planning authorities charge:

  • for discretionary services (Regulation 4)
  • to reduce or waiver fees in certain cases (Regulation 5)
  • to apply a surcharge for retrospective applications (Regulation 6)

The fees for discretionary services such as pre-application advice are set by us. Fees for other discretionary services are set nationally.

As part of a phased roll-out of discretionary fees, from 9th October 2023, we charge for discretionary services falling under Regulations 4 and 6 for large scale energy, transmission and infrastructure development only. Phases 2 and 3 of charging will follow in 2024 and roll-out of discretionary charges, waived/reduced fees, and surcharges for other development types.

The regulations require us to set out for which pre-application services a fee is to be charged, any waived or reduced fees, or surcharges to be applied, and how the fees are to be calculated for those services. View the Regulation 4 and 6 fee sections to find out more.

View payment options for discretionary fees.

View the charging charter (PDF 788KB) for more information on discretionary fees and services.

Regulation 4 discretionary charging

Pre-application advice: Part 1 and Part 2 of the Regulations provide the statutory basis allowing us to charge for this service. The fees are independently set by us and are subject to review on an annual basis.

Non-material variation: this is a set amount laid down in Part 2 of the Regulations which we are permitted to charge for this service. There is no limit on the number of requests.

Discharge of conditions and compliance with conditions: this is a set amount laid down in Part 2 of the Regulations which we are permitted to charge for the service. There is no limit on the number of requests.

Category of development Fees payable
Pre-application advice (for large scale energy, transmission and infrastructure development). A separate enquiry and fee are required for each development or each site. £7,200 (£6,000 plus VAT)
Non-material variation (for large scale energy, transmission and infrastructure development). A request made to us to vary a planning permission under section 64 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended). A separate application and fee are required for each request £230 per request
Discharge of conditions or compliance with conditions (for large scale energy, transmission and infrastructure development). A separate application and fee are required for each request. A request can include one or several conditions. This is the standard service where a response will be provided within 3 months. Refer to the priority service for more time critical developments. £115 per request

Regulation 6 surcharges

Surcharges: Part 2 of the Regulations provides us with the power to levy a surcharge of up to 25% on retrospective applications.

Category of development Surcharge payable
Retrospective applications (for large scale energy, transmission and infrastructure development). Statutory fee plus 25%

Fees for priority services

Find out about priority services for large scale energy, transmission and infrastructure development.

Category of development Fee payable
Priority determination service (for large scale energy, transmission and infrastructure development). This service applies to planning applications and consultations under the Electricity Acts. 50% of statutory fee.
Priority discharge of conditions or compliance with conditions (for large scale energy, transmission and infrastructure development). A separate application and fee are required for each request. A response is provided within 6 weeks. £5,000 for the first request

£2,500 for additional requests thereafter

How to calculate fees

Where a building is to be demolished, and a new building erected on the site, the fee is based on the gross floor space (all storeys) of the new building. You need to measure it externally including the thickness of external and internal walls. However, it excludes areas that are not usable by people or animals such as lift shafts, tanks, loft space or areas with a headroom of less than 1.5m.

Where a fee is based on site area, your measurement needs to include the area of ground that you will develop or build on. As well as any ground for which the use will change. Please outline clearly in red the site of the development on the drawings. 

Where floor space or site area is not an exact multiple of the unit of measurement provided by the fees scale, the amount remaining is taken as a whole unit.

For help with the calculation of your fees, use the fee calculator or contact your local planning office

Advertising costs

You may need to pay an additional fee to advertise certain types of development in the press. If this is the case, we will notify you after assessing your application.