
Property Enquiry Certificates

Property Enquiry CertificateA Property Enquiry Certificate (PEC) is a document produced by Aberdeenshire Council to collate various elements of information about the status of a property.

The PEC is usually requested as part of a property search for conveyancing activities. The PEC provides information as to whether the property is subject to any statutory orders or notices as well as particulars relating to the Council’s range of services and responsibilities. Aberdeenshire Council’s PEC Service offers the following:

  • a high quality, reliable product
  • issuing of a search within 5 working days of receiving a valid search request
  • reasonable and competitive charges - our fee is payable by card (from £74.00) with search request
  • a Basic PEC and an Enhanced PEC in order to meet the varied requirements of our customers.

Please note that information on whether public water mains and sewers are connected to a property, or whether other infrastructure of a strategic nature such as trunk mains and distribution pipes are located within a property are not part of the PEC. Please contact Scottish Water.

BASIC Search

A BASIC search includes a search on the property address supplied for the following:

Planning (Site Only):

Current and historic Planning Application information including decision, date and proposal, the search period being the 5 years immediately prior to the date of this request. Information is provided on Local Plan policy and other constraints and includes, for example, whether the property is designated as a Listed Building or Scheduled Ancient Monument, whether it is in an area designated as a Conservation Area, whether it is within any international, national or local Natural Environment designations, whether a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) affects the site, whether there are specifically recorded public access routes or designations or whether it is subject to an Enforcement Notice.

Building Standards:

Building Standards information relative to the property in question including any building warrant application details submitted within the last 5 years and details of any Notices served under the Building (Scotland) Act 2003.

Environmental Health:

Information about Smoke Control Areas, Private Housing, Contaminated Land, Radon Gas and Notices in terms of the Civic Government and Environmental Protection Act. An additional service is offered for some Commercial Premises.


Information derived from a search of the Statutory List of Public Roads relating to whether any carriageways and footways adjacent to the property have been adopted and are maintained by the Roads Service. Information is provided relating to future road schemes.


An ENHANCED search comprises the BASIC PEC and also:


Current and historic Planning Application information including decision, date and proposal, the search period being the 5 years immediately prior to the date of this request on adjacent sites, and significant development in the vicinity.


  • BASIC search option: £74.00
  • ENHANCED search option: £84.00

Certificates can be issued via email as an attached PDF if requested, or by first class mail.

To request this service, please download the PEC request form:

Completed forms should be posted to our correspondence address or emailed to

Payments should be made using card by calling our general enquiries number

For further information please contact us.