
Buchan Day Opportunities

Buchan Day Opportunities helps adults with learning disability, autism and multiple disabilities to meet their needs in their local communities. The service covers Peterhead, Mintlaw and the surrounding areas. It provides a range of services and activities run from the day service base or in the local community through projects.

Our building-based service is for adults with profound and multiple disabilities, as well as complex social needs. It is run from Robertson Road Resource Centre and Crimond Community Hub, which is open Monday to Friday, 8:45am to 4pm.

Day services are a starting point to help build up skills and confidence. For some, this means moving on to community-based opportunities.

Find out more about our day services:

Community and group opportunities

We have a range of community-based activities and opportunities. We use community facilities and groups as much as possible. This is to help you access and take part in activities promoting well-being, self-advocacy, building confidence, assertiveness, and other social skills. We can also give you opportunities that provide new learning experiences.

We can help you with:

  • Leisure activities - such as swimming, gym, boccia, keep fit sessions, art, crafts, sewing groups
  • Social activities - outings, community activities such as buttery morning on Tuesdays and bingo at Buchanhaven Heritage Centre
  • Educational groups - Makaton groups which help people use signs and symbols to aid their communication, all our projects involve people being able to take part in counting, reading and writing
  • Expressive arts - seasonal and themed arts and crafts, Makaton (various themes), “Singing Hands”, dancing (freestyle and structured), themed role play (for example Remembrance), song writing, improvisation, sketches, film making
  • Travel training - helping you gain the confidence to travel independently and to be able to use public transport if you need to
  • Life skills - use of the kitchen for cooking and daily living tasks, going to the cinema and shops
  • Therapeutic activities - combining touch, music and rebound therapy to promote communication, social interaction and sensory development
  • Skills development and training - activities for developing self-confidence, teamwork, learning and maintaining new skills, as well as training for moving on to voluntary positions or employment
  • Voluntary opportunities – we can give some support to help people access voluntary opportunities in the community

If you have limited or no verbal communication or a hearing impairment, we can use various communication systems to support you.

If you need a ‘base’, we can arrange a dedicated area where you can start and finish your day. You can also use the area for certain tasks.

We can create pictorial timetables and pictures to help you have structure to your day, making it less stressful and more meaningful.

We can design a programme to meet your individual needs. We work closely with the Specialist Health Care team and Social Workers to do this. Our staff can help you with your physiotherapy and occupational therapy programmes. They can also help you with any specialist equipment you are assessed to use, such as stand aids.


You need to bring your own packed lunch. 

User involvement

We make changes to the day service based on what you tell us. We encourage you to make decisions, share ideas and have a say about the service you get.

Four times a year we organise service user meetings. The meetings are to give you an opportunity to tell us what you like or don't like about the service, what new things you would like to do and to share achievements.

You can also give us feedback outside these meetings.

Amenity Fund committee

We get donations from people and local businesses. These are paid direct to the Amenity Fund. The Amenity Fund committee gives you the opportunity to say what you would like this money to be spent on to enhance the day service.

Referral to the service

A referral is a request for an assessment of a person's needs. Your social worker assesses if you are eligible for our day service.

Once referred, you, your carers, guardian, social worker and day service manager agree what help we can give you and the expected outcomes.

Progress is monitored at reviews. A review is where you meet with all people providing your support and look at your programme, your progress and your achievements and set your outcomes for the next year.

A member of staff is assigned as your keyworker. The keyworker makes sure:

  • your outcomes for the service are identified and use appropriate resources
  • an Individual Service Plan (ISP) is agreed which meets those outcomes
  • everyone involved in the plan know their responsibilities
  • essential resources in the plan are available or developed
  • your agreed outcomes are regularly reviewed
  • you are involved in the planning and management of day services
  • your parents, carers, guardians and advocates are involved

Everyone who uses the day service has at least two reviews a year. One is a multi-agency formal review. Followed by an interim six-monthly review involving you and your keyworker.


We always seek ways to improve our day service. We are looking for members of the local community who would like to help with one of our projects or in the day service. If you are interested in volunteering at Buchan Day Opportunities there are many opportunities. Please contact us to find out more. 

Contact us

If you want to find out more about our day service, projects or want to volunteer please call us on 01346 515292.

You and your carer can also arrange to visit the day service. Please call us to arrange a visit.

Buchan Day Opportunities
Robertson Road Resource Centre
Robertson Road
AB43 9BF

Buchan Day Opportunities is closed to users of the service:

  • at 2pm on the first Monday of each month for a staff meeting
  • four days a year for staff training

We also close for these holidays:

  • one week in April
  • one week in October
  • two weeks over the festive period in December 

Buchan Day Opportunities is assessed and graded by the Care Inspectorate for the quality of service we provide.