
Domestic abuse services and support

This page provides information on the support and services available to those affected by domestic violence and abuse in Aberdeenshire.

Domestic violence and abuse includes physical, emotional, financial and sexual abuse in couple relationships or between family members. There are different kinds of abuse, but it is always about having power and control over you.

If domestic abuse is happening to you tell someone, and remember you aren’t alone. You don't have to wait for an emergency to seek help. It is important to remember that domestic abuse isn’t your fault.

You can:

Call 999 if you or your children are in immediate risk of harm.

guide to domestic abuse services in Aberdeenshire (PDF 551KB) has been produced by Aberdeenshire Violence Against Women Partnership. It provides information about the support available for those affected by domestic violence and abuse. 

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Support for parents

If you are a parent experiencing domestic abuse, or need help, contact your local Children and Families team. You can do this in person or call 01467 537111 and ask to speak to the Duty Social Worker.

Your enquiry will be treated in confidence. We will arrange to meet you wherever you feel safe, discuss your circumstances and what support you and your child need. We can provide support to make sure you and your child are protected from domestic abuse.

The support available depends on your circumstances, but might include:

  • advice about options available to you and your child
  • practical safety advice and safety planning
  • provision of safety equipment
  • emotional support, confidence and self-esteem building
  • support with completing forms and going to appointments
  • support to leave your property and access alternative housing
  • referral to a dedicated Domestic Abuse Social Worker
  • help with getting support from other agencies and professionals

Outwith office hours, in an emergency, you can call our out of hours emergency service on 03456 08 12 06.

Services are provided based on our GIRFEC (Getting it Right for Every Child) arrangements.

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Support for adults without children

If you are affected by domestic abuse, and don’t have children, you can call the Adult Protection Team on 01467 533100.

We can provide support and services to keep you safe. This might be by providing services, advice or directing you to other agencies depending on your circumstances.

Outwith office hours, in an emergency, you can call our out of hours emergency service on 03456 08 12 06.

Adult social care services are provided by Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership.

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Housing options

If you are having difficulty with your accommodation or facing homelessness because of domestic violence or abuse, housing options advice and help is available. For more information contact Housing.

The Caledonian System

The Caledonian System is an integrated approach to deal with men’s domestic abuse. Our Criminal Justice Social Work service works with men convicted of domestic abuse offences to reduce their re-offending. While also offering support services for women and children.

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Confidential support helplines

Support for women and children experiencing domestic abuse -  freephone 24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline.

Support for women, children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse - Grampian Women’s Aid.

Support for men who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse - Abused Men in Scotland (AMIS).

Support for lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse - Galop LGBT + Anti-violence.

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