
Occupational Therapy

Rehabilitation and enablement

Rehabilitation and enablement is intensive, time limited support to help you become more independent by regaining the ability to do everyday tasks for yourself after a period of illness, injury or increased frailty. It usually lasts for six weeks, takes place in your home and is free.

Our Occupational Therapy Service aims to help you to be independent, with as little disruption to your normal daily life as possible. Many people can be helped to live independently without the need for equipment or adaptations to their home.

Some examples of how occupational therapists can work with you are:

  • teaching you new ways of doing everyday tasks
  • working with you to regain confidence in your abilities after time in hospital
  • educating you to help manage the impact of your medical condition on your daily life
  • identifying and managing fall risks to improve your safety
  • training you in techniques to prevent damage, maintain range of movement and reduce strain on joints
  • managing your posture to help movement and mobility
  • teaching your carers techniques to help you with daily activities