New to adoption
Early days adoption support
In most situations, the Social worker that takes you through the adoption assessment process will remain with your family through the matching and placement processes ensuring that you receive continuity with a worker who knows your family well and so can make the best match for a child with your family. Your Adoption Worker will be familiar with your skills and parenting capacity to tailor the support needed at every stage.
We work very closely with our local Community Social Work Teams who work directly with the children requiring adoption so that we have a comprehensive and shared understanding of the children’s needs. Adoption Workers can spend time with the children, observing them to consider the type of family best suited to meet their needs. The ‘in-house’ structure of local authority care and planning for children lends itself well to robust information sharing and experiential opportunities to learn about our children when looking for the right families for them.
We use the Getting it Right for Every Child’s SHANNARI Wellbeing Indicators and the Secure Base Model as a robust basis to link and match children with the right families, then in helping adoptive parents to build strong and secure bonds with the children. These models allow us to identify the emotional and practical support everyone might need and helps to create an environment in which the child feels safe and secure.
We can offer all adoptive parents Theraplay techniques and strategies designed to build attachment and address the challenges of the impact of early loss and trauma children who come to adoption have experienced.
Are you ready to start your adoption journey?
Telephone: 01467 532800
Email: adoption@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
Facebook: Adoption and Fostering Aberdeenshire