
Banff and Buchan area funding

Find out about grants and funding available in the Banff and Buchan area:

Banff and Buchan Area Initiative Fund 2024/25

This fund is closed for new applications.

Grants of up to £5,000 or up to £10,000 were available for project that support the delivery of the following themes:

  • Changing Aberdeenshire’s relationship with alcohol
  • Reducing child poverty
  • Connected and cohesive communities
  • Improving the appearance and maintenance of towns and villages within Banff and Buchan
  • Stronger communities
  • Safer communities
  • Supporting health and active communities
  • Tackling poverty and inequality
  • Transport and connectivity

Please view the Banff and Buchan Area Initiative Fund criteria (PDF 159KB) for further details. 

Coastal Communities Fund

A proportion of the income generated by Crown Estate Scotland is allocated annually to coastal local authorities including Aberdeenshire Council.

Grants are available for up to 90% of project cost with a minimum of £1,000 and a maximum of £25,000.


The following will not be considered:

  • Applications from organisations with an annual turnover of more than £250,000; unless applications are being submitted by the council on behalf of community groups, or by other bodies whose annual turnover is not directly related to the local initiative under consideration
  • Funding for core activities such as staffing, and overheads; in some instances, funding for consultancy work, or for seasonal posts, may be considered
  • Applications which are solely or substantially for individual benefit
  • Town centre public realm improvements unless it can be demonstrated that they improve access to the foreshore, beach or harbour

Fund eligibility criteria:

  • The site of the project or the community must be within one mile of Aberdeenshire’s coastline
  • Eligible settlements are: Banff, Boyndie, Cairnbulg, Crovie, Fordyce, Fraserburgh, Gardenstown, Inverallochy, Macduff, New Aberdour, Pennan, Portsoy, Rosehearty, Sandend, Sandhaven, Whitehills
  • As sites are specifically included, it is possible that applications will be received for projects taking place at coastal locations outwith any settlement
  • Such applications may come from groups or organisations representing communities of interest as well as of place (for example wildlife or environmental, arts or well-being groups)
  • Projects must be led by public or third sector parties and have a tangible link to the coast or the sea
  • There must be a minimum of 10% match funding, which can be in-kind; funding of up to 90% of projects will support deliverability within the timescale
  • The use of the budget or project must not commit the council to recurring expenditure or maintenance
  • Groups must be properly constituted
  • Groups must be able to give an assurance that they will be able to complete their projects and have receipts submitted in time for the end of the financial year (31st March 2025)
  • Projects must deliver against at least one of the council priorities

Examples of projects with a tangible link to the coast or sea, projects that:

  • Help people to develop skills related to coastal or seafaring pursuits, activities or enterprises, for example sailing, fishing or boatbuilding
  • Celebrate the heritage of coastal and seagoing communities of place and interest, for example a coastal or fishing village or township, historic boatbuilding, or relevant clubs or organisations
  • Improve access to coastal areas, for example paths and viewpoints
  • Improve the coastal environment, for example applications to establish and support community groups looking after their coastline
  • Improve community-controlled infrastructure such as harbours, boathouses and buildings

This funding must be used for the benefit of coastal communities and can support projects linked to the following themes:

  • Supporting the development of active travel routes along, to and from the coastline
  • Developing the coastal economy and sustainable tourism
  • Creating or enhancing community, leisure and recreational facilities
  • Safeguarding, restoring or enhancing the coastal environment


Payment will be made retrospectively on receipt of invoices or other confirmation that the money has been spent in accordance with the proposals applied for. Payment will be made by BACS transfer to a group’s bank account, or, where the council is acting on behalf of a group, by internal transfer.

How to apply 

Applicants are required to provide the following support documents:

  • A copy of their most recent, independently examined set of accounts, including their current bank balance and any funds therein which have been ringfenced for other projects
  • Information on related funding applications, whether they have been successful and, if so, how much funding they have received
  • If an application is made by a constituted group, a copy of their constitution or memorandum and articles 
  • Copies of their insurance documents, for the purposes of following the Public Pound

To apply please email completed application form (available in two formats) along with the supporting documents to


Please contact or phone 01467 530700 for further information.

Aberdeenshire Charities Trust funding

Aberdeenshire Charities Trust (ACT2) administers charitable funds in Aberdeenshire and is a registered charity (SC045539). There are designated funds available to the council wards in the Banff and Buchan area that can be used for purposes set out by the trust.

View information about charitable trust funds in Banff and Buchan:


Individuals that live in any of the areas specified in the trust or who can demonstrate that they have a reasonable connection to these areas can apply for funding. The maximum grant available to individuals is £500.

In addition, companies, associations and other organisations who provide services, projects or facilities in the areas may apply for grants of up to £2,000 in Wards 1 and 2, and £1,000 in Ward 3.

Applications can only be considered if they meet the purposes detailed in the trust.

Available funds

View funds available as at 31st December 2022.

Our Banff and Buchan Area Committee accepts applications for the local council wards:

Ward 1 - Banff and District (Aberchirder, Banff, Portsoy and Whitehills)

Fund purposes Total Fund Revenue     Capital      
The prevention or relief of poverty £55,688.56 £20,253.30 £35,435.26
The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage

Ward 2 - Troup (Gardenstown, Macduff, Rosehearty and Sandhaven)

Fund purposes Total Fund Revenue Capital      
The prevention or relief of poverty £43,364.49 £9,351.74 £34,012.75
Relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
The advancement of public participation in sport  £1,298.75 £1,198.75 £100.00

Ward 3 - Fraserburgh and District (Cairnbulg, Fraserburgh and Inverallochy) 

Fund purposes Total Fund Revenue Capital
The prevention or relief of poverty £2,846.27 £465.96 £2,380.31
The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage
The advancement of education £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
The advancement of health
The advancement of citizenship or community development
The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science
The advancement of public participation in sport
The provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended
The advancement of environmental protection or improvement

How to apply

You can apply for funding by completing the appropriate application form, available in two formats:

Send completed applications to the Banff and Buchan Area Office.

What happens next

The Banff and Buchan Area Committee will review your Aberdeenshire Charities Trust funding application. Find out about how we deal with your application.

Common Good Fund applications

Common Good Funds are generally made up of property (including land, buildings, investments and movable items) that belonged to the previous burghs of Scotland.

The responsibility for administering these funds now rests with the local authorities throughout Scotland. The council is responsible for administering 17 Common Good Funds. The following funds (estimated annual income from the fund) are available in the Banff and Buchan area:  

  • Aberchirder  - £20 (Ward 1 – Banff and District)
  • Banff - £19,400 (Ward 1 – Banff and District)
  • Fraserburgh - £330 (Ward 3 – Fraserburgh and District)
  • Macduff - £610 (Ward 2 – Troup)
  • Portsoy - £40 (Ward 1 – Banff and District)
  • Rosehearty - £20 (Ward 2 – Troup)

These figures are based on the annual income for 2016/2017.  Amounts available in each fund may vary from year to year.

These Common Good Funds, although, held by the council are legally distinct from the council’s other fund. Any money held within these funds, including the income from any assets which make up these funds, are to be used solely for the overall benefit of the people who reside in the area covered by the applicable fund.

Applications are processed in terms of the council’s Common Good Policy (PDF 60KB).

How to apply

You can apply by completing the appropriate application form.  Please make sure you read the guidance in the application pack before completing the form. The pack also includes a model application for information:

Send completed application forms to the Banff and Buchan Area Manager's Office.

What happens next

Your application will be checked and processed and you will be advised if your application is successful or not.


If you have any questions please contact the Banff and Buchan Area Office.