
Food business registration

Registration of food businesses is required by law under the Retained EU Legislation Regulation (EC) 852/2004 Article 6(2). It allows the council to keep an up-to-date list of all those businesses and associated premises in the Aberdeenshire area so they can be visited or contacted where necessary.

Anyone who operates a food business that sells, cooks, stores, handles, prepares or distributes food must register their premises with us.


If you operate a food business in Aberdeenshire, have taken over an existing food business or wish to start a new food business you are required to register.

If you have multiple premises, you will need to register each separate outlet.

Food businesses include restaurants, cafes, hotels, shops, canteens, mobile catering and delivery vehicles and market stalls.

If you are unsure whether your business may fall into this category please contact the Environmental Health service for further advice.

Before you apply

You must apply for registration at least 28 days before the proposed commencement of operations. 

There is no fee for the registration of food businesses and no renewal is required, but you must notify us of any changes in your activities or any closure to your existing business.

How to apply

You can apply for the registration of your food business establishment online on GOV.UK website. Alternatively, you can complete our food business registration form (PDF 170KB) and return it to

View Environmental Health privacy notices.

Application process

Once we have received your completed registration form, we will process your application within 28 days.

An officer will contact you and may request that you provide us with further information. We request that you make available a copy of your food safety management system, evidence of food hygiene training, and specific allergen training.

We will acknowledge safe receipt of your complete form.

Contact details

Environmental Health
Gordon House
Blackhall Road
AB51 3WA