
SDS payment card

Self-directed Support payment card queries and contact us

This page has contact information to help you with any questions about your Self-directed Support (SDS) payment card and account.

The card is provided by our partner Prepaid Financial Services (PFS).

If you have any questions about your care and support, please contact your Social Worker, Care Manager, Enablement and Support Coordinator, Local Area Coordinator or Family Support Worker (these roles collectively called Practitioner).

If you have a query about your SDS card or account please call the appropriate number:

Query Who to contact Telephone number When available
Queries about your finance
Not received a new card after the old one expired
Change of address
Social Work Finance team Adult Services:
01467 539827
Children’s Services:
01467 537606
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Queries about the card
Balance and payments enquiries
Unknown transaction on the account
Lost or stolen card
Making a payment to a carer
Declined transactions despite funds being available
Forgotten PIN
PFS Customer Service Team  01467 442011 Quote your unique Card Holder ID (CHID), a 12-digit number starting with 20000 which is in your initial payment card letter Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm
PIN retrieval
Lost or stolen card
Replacement card
PFS Automated Service 0203 468 4112
0203 327 1991
0207 183 2248
Available 24/7
General queries about your SDS card or account Cornerstone SDS 01467 530520  

Or for help with non-urgent queries you can email