
Visual impairment

Managing your sight loss

On this page you’ll find information about other organisations who provide services and support to help you with your sight loss.

RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) support people with sight loss. They offer advice, information, and referral to local and national services.

Glaucoma UK supports people with, and at risk of, glaucoma. Support services include a helpline, glaucoma support groups and information in different formats.

Macular Society provides information and support to anyone with macular disease, and their family and friends. Support includes a helpline and local support groups.

Sight Scotland Veterans provides advice and practical support for veterans with sight loss across Scotland.

North East Sensory Services provide advice and information on technology and a library service for people affected by sensory loss, their families, friends and carers.

AbilityNet helps individuals make the most of digital technology and accessible features.

Scottish Disability Sport provide sporting opportunities for people with a sensory disability.